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Aligned weapons

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:01 am
by Zanven
I don't know if they are already present in FK, but I would like to see aligned weapons and perhaps added to the random reward weapon list.

Good/Evil/Axiomatic/Anarchic weapons that can only be hold by characters that have that alignment trait (*) and do 2D6 damage to enemies of opposing alignment that of the weapon.

(*) Rogues by virtue of their use magic skill providing it is high enough would not have that restriction applied.

Re: Aligned weapons

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 3:32 pm
by Gwain
There are flags available to builders that make it so certain alignments can wield or cannot wield weapons. Usually resulting in a zap. This is old code though. I've only ever seen two weapons in the game that use this. Generally we have faith-specific weapons that disintegrate and punish non coreligionists.

Re: Aligned weapons

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:16 pm
by Algon
Gwain wrote:There are flags available to builders that make it so certain alignments can wield or cannot wield weapons. Usually resulting in a zap. This is old code though. I've only ever seen two weapons in the game that use this. Generally we have faith-specific weapons that disintegrate and punish non coreligionists.
*runs to google* lol
I do like the idea of having a few more weapons in game that are made specifically for a certain alignment. I could see a paladin wielding some type of good aligned weapon that would seriously harm an evil if they ever tried to wield it. Or the opposite end of the spectrum, having a weapon blessed by an evil Deity that would do something nasty to a goody if they touched it.

Re: Aligned weapons

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:29 pm
by Athon
I think the point that Zanven is trying to make isn't just for specificically who can wield it but also the 2d6 bonus it gets to the opposite alignment. I have not seen something like that in the game and I think it would be a gread addition.

I think more emphasis should be put on the variety of weapon types. Everyone has +1/+1 (or some variation) type weapons. It would make weapon collecting much more dynamic and fun. Instead of running with the same weapon all the time, a good fighter would like have adamantite weapons for high DR fights, cold iron for demons, a flaming sword for mobs weak to fire, etc.

I know Mask has done behind-the-scenes work on revamping weapons flags and making them work properly. I fully encourage and support the addition of holy/unholy and any other interesting flags for weapons.

Edit: I currently seen flags for holy/unholy flags (which meet the good and evil alignments respectively). The others you might want are anarchic/axiomatic (chaotic/lawful), which aren't currently coded to my knowledge.

Re: Aligned weapons

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:42 pm
by Harroghty
There are flags which discriminate against lawful or chaotic characters holding them and the two you cited, Athon, anarchic and axiomatic, also exist. Those two are just not implemented yet.

Thanks for the suggestion, Zanven, it's something that Mask -as Athon points out- has about 90% complete right now. He has not briefed the implementation plan though, so we'll see how it turns out.