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Stacking of different types of attack bonus

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 1:54 pm
by Zanven
Unlike in d&d in FK different types of attack bonus doesn't stack. Allowing it would reward parties with more diversity in the classes that they make it.

Re: Stacking of different types of attack bonus

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 2:08 pm
by Nylo

Re: Stacking of different types of attack bonus

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 3:36 pm
by Tarven
While I agree with the overall sentiment, there are a number of other bonuses that don't stack, that should/would, such as stat bonuses for morale vs enhancement etc. However, I think the game is programmed/coded to work with them not stacking. If they did allow stacking, they would have to adjust the difficulty of all the mobiles for balance sake, which would not only be hassle, but detrimental, as not having a party would be much harder to accomplish.

Instead, work out with your party who will cast which types of buffs. This will allow for a wider range of buffs, instead of focused ones.

Re: Stacking of different types of attack bonus

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:44 pm
by Gwain
At one point they did stack in the past, though it was general bonuses. What would happen though is that you would end up with characters that would have unrealistic stat bonuses. I think the current system gives you the benefit of the highest or best bonuses and ignores the lower ones. Though its still possible to supplement them with spells. The only character build where this may prove to be an issue is with rogues.

Re: Stacking of different types of attack bonus

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:01 am
by Tarven
Gwain wrote: The only character build where this may prove to be an issue is with rogues.
Rogues? Why rogues?

Re: Stacking of different types of attack bonus

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:22 pm
by Gwain
Merely an example of a difficult class to play independently depending on where you train and how you train.

Re: Stacking of different types of attack bonus

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:24 pm
by Tarven
Gwain wrote:depending on where you train and how you train.
This could be said about any class. While I admit, fighters are by far the easiest to level and train, followed by priests, I wouldn't call rogues difficult, by and large. Some of their mechanics don't work as I might like, given advantages of other classes in PvP and restrictions because of other rules, but the mere act of leveling them isn't really all that bad. I'm still not sure how having stacking attack bonuses would affect rogues any differently than other classes, though?

Re: Stacking of different types of attack bonus

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 4:51 am
by Gwain
I used them as a random example of a more difficult class. I'm pleased you've had a great experience training them.

Getting back on topic though, I personally think we're far enough from tabletop to not have to stack, before when you had the stacking, you had player characters with huge bonuses soloing places defeating other players with ease and so forth. The current system seems more balanced, in the sense that a your stats are generally not going to overpower someone or something else, mobiles present a bit more of a challenge and you need to use more strategy. I'm not much of a technical person with an eye for statistics but save for a few exceptions, this is what I've seen.