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Shape Spell or Sculpt Spell

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:44 pm
by Ceir
There are two feats in 3.5 which are very handy when playing in a large party that would be absolutely fantastic in this game. Given the nature of the mud, they'd be basically identical in effect, so either one would make a fine addition.

Sculpt Spell is a metamagic feat that lets you change the area of effect for a spell to a different sort, at no spell level penalty. A cone becomes a burst or a line, for instance. This feat has the prerequisite of any other metamagic feat.

Shape Spell is a general feat that lets you exclude 5x5 tiles from your spell's AoE. It has a fairly hefty level requirement (one must be able to cast seventh level spells).

I request one of the two for a particular purpose: the ability to cast an AoE attack spell without targeting neutrals in the room. There is really very little demand for this effect in most zones, but in some it would be an absolute lifesaver (literally, to the extent that NPCs can be considered 'alive').

Re: Shape Spell or Sculpt Spell

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 11:53 pm
by Selveem
What book was Shape Spell feat in? I don't recall it, but I don't play casters in D&D often.

Sculpt Spell feat I have heard of and my ex-roomie has used it with great glee.

I tried searching up Shape Spell feat in Google and found others asking what book it was in, as well, but no one with an answer. My exact queries were:

d&d 3.5 "shape spell" feat
d&d 3.5 -stone "shape spell" feat

Second query was made due to the constant "stone shape" responses from Google.

In any case, these sound like fine additions to the game to avoid unintentional targets struck - especially in quest areas that also have neutral/friendly mobs wandering about alongside the baddies.

Re: Shape Spell or Sculpt Spell

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 4:46 am
by Ceir
Actually, yeah, I can't find it either. I probably have it mixed up with a class feature, or it might have been a 3e thing that didn't make the cut. I just remember taking it at level 15... sometime, years and years ago. Apologies.

Re: Shape Spell or Sculpt Spell

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 5:53 am
by Selveem
Re: Ceir:

No big deal. It doesn't make it any less a good suggestion. It's just with many metamagic feats that affect casted spells, they require a level change (widen spell, for example). I was just curious why this particular feat might not require that, so I was going to look more into its details.

Re: Shape Spell or Sculpt Spell

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 6:28 pm
by Trillarel
I think sculpt spell was a class feature. Introducing it as a metamagic feat is a good idea, though.