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Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 5:31 pm
by Pring
I think that Rangers should be able to meditate. When I think of someone meditating, I think of someone in the middle of a forest. When I think of someone in the middle of a forest, I think of a ranger. So it kind of fits hand in hand, plus it takes quite a while to get mana without sleeping.. Just a suggestion, and sorry if this has been covered elsewhere.

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 6:10 pm
by Selune
Only primary spellcasters, i.e. wizards and priests, get meditate. It is unrealistic to expect those who simply "dabble" in spells to have the same ability to compose themselves and clear their minds for more spells as do those for whom spellcasting is their line of work or field of expertise. This holds true for bards and paladins as well as rangers.

More information on the meditation debate can be found here: ... t=meditate

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 6:10 pm
by Ursan
Although it would be nice, I dont think that Rangers really need, or indeed should be given, the Meditate skill.

First and foremost a ranger is a warrior, all be it one gifted with additional skills. As such, his life has been spent concentrating upon those other skills of his craft

Prayer casting is an add-on to these primary skills. Ii wouldnt really be fair to the other classes for Ranger abilities to be changed to further advantage them.

Mana can be increased so that it becomes easier to make use of prayers, but even here you have to bare in mind that a ranger would not normally be expected to be flinging prayers at enemies or healing his entire party of wounds.

Prayers would be used sparingly at critical moments

I couldnt tell you the game policy on this and the exact reasons for it not being available, but this is my (unusually) humble opinion on the subject


Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 6:59 pm
by Tierney
While having the meditate skill would be a great advatage to a ranger, I agree that we shouldn't be givin it. The skill should only be for the classes that depend on thier spells and prayers, and have little else in the way of skills. A mage usually needs his mana refilled RIGHT NOW for the flurry of spells he needs to cast at his/her foe, or the cleric need mana right away to save someone from dieing. A ranger on the other hand, doesn't need to cast lots of spells quickly. Maybe one here and one there, but the only time I ever use lots of spells in a row is for healing, and if I run out of mana, well then I just gotta heal the normal way.

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:44 am
by Pring
Ah thats true, I guess it is more wizard related anyway. Thanks again, sorry about that!

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:45 am
by Cret
How I thought of it was that a rangers gifts are through the devine. They are not priest(ess) and do not go about shouting out the words of faith, they are more subtle about it. There fore a ranger would get limited prayers and not spells because they do not study the arcane. If rangers were to get meditate they would be a spell-sword and not a ranger. In my eyes at least.

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 7:39 am
by Septa
Yes, I can definately see the RP qualities of a ranger in meditation and such. However, like it was brought up, it is not something that should be given to the warrior classes. which is exactly what smote and pose commands are for... :D

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 4:48 pm
by Cyric
Spellcasters meditation and a yoga-like meditation are two different things. Sitting in one place, remaining quiet and collecting thoughts is good, but I'm not too sure about it's mana regeneration proporties. When a mage meditates, it is viewed as tapping into the weave and gaining their mana back. Priests, heavy prayer, and because they are their gods chosen, they recieve more attention from their god.

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 8:41 am
by Yboesh
I would have to agree, even though I do not have a Ranger at present. I am at the moment in the process of creating one, and she, in my opinion should not get the skill of Meditate. Even though she may at some pont in time, show an smote or emote of meditating. Moreover, if warriors were to obtain the skill, either before becoming a Ranger, or after, they would be able to dominate the game, I think, by their physical skills as well as the new-found divine or arcane skills, thereby causing an imbalance in the tenuous grasp that each class and guild has on their own small corner of the Realms.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 2:02 am
by Isolrem
if it is for RP, then RP it, is my motto :P