Paladin Order resource?

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Paladin Order resource?

Post by Aran » Mon Feb 16, 2004 12:56 am

I was wondering if there are any online or offline resources for paladin orders that anyone knows about. Particularly the Order of the Golden Lion. I mostly want to know about the history of the order, leaders of the order, etc.
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RE: Paladin Orders

Post by Andreas » Thu Feb 19, 2004 1:54 am

From Faiths & Avatars 2nd Edition:

Amauntor (DEAD)
Syndicate of the Celestial and Righteous Lawmakers

Order of the Vigilant Eyes of the God

Companions of the Noble Heart
Holy Warriors of Suffering
Order of the Golden Cup

Knights of the Eternal Order

Order of the Aster

The Harmonious Order

Knights of the Mystic Fire

Sisters and Brothers of the Ruby Rose

Order of the Golden Lion

Knights of Holy Judgement
Knights of the Merciful Sword
Hammers of Grimjaws

From Powers & Pantheons 2nd Edition:

Red Knight
Order of the Red Falcon

Order of the Silver Chalice

I've only listed deities from the Faerunian Pantheon out of P&P.

From Demihuman Deities 2nd Edition:

Clangeddin Silverbeard
Many with various names. I.e. Knights of the Ninth Axe, Valorous Harts of High Shanatar, Shining Blades of Iltkazar etc.

"Scores of military orders and countless dwarven brotherhoods have been dedicated to the Father of Battle, beginning with the earliest, long-forgotten kindoms of the dwarves. The followers of Clangeddin in each clanhold or kingdom tend to organize themselves into one or more fighting companies, and each band has its own name and famous exploits."

Demihuman Deities, p. 52

Gorm Gulthyn
Same as Clangeddin Silverbeard.

Haela Brightaxe
Same as Clangeddin Silverbeard.

I don't know if dwarven paladins are accepted on FK.

Corellon Larethian
"Corellon is the divine patron of many knightly orders, many of which claim to trace their heritage and membership backto the Time of Flowers."

Demihuman Deities, p. 102

Examples: Knights of the Golden Wyrm, Blade of the Sahandrian, Weavers of Bladesong.

My understanding is that elven paladins on FK can become members of the Fellowship of the Forgotten Flower.
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Re: Paladin Order resource?

Post by Aldren » Tue Mar 20, 2012 12:07 am

Looking for an updated resource and descriptions of knightly orders, specifically non-faith-restricted orders. Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I am coming up mostly dry on what these orders actually work to accomplish as opposed to their names and how many members they have (not as important on FK).

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Re: Paladin Order resource?

Post by Harroghty » Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:32 am

There are a lot of options for this kind of info available, but not many of the ones rooted in Realms "canon" are very good.

You could start here with those described in the back of The Complete Paladin's Handbook (TSR 2147). That will give you, believe it or not, the most detailed canon information on the subject. The Bearded Sage likes to remind us though, that his world is really our world when we are playing in it; in other words, you can invent a lot to fill in the gaps. I believe that is the beauty of the sparse information because you have a framework of lines to color between.

Your palette for those empty spaces can be fantasy or history. I recommend looking first at the grand daddy of such documents, Bernard of Clairveaux's "In Praise of the New Knighthood". This document was written by Bernard (yes, that Bernard - this is Saint Bernard who preached the Second Crusade and died a sad death after witnessing its failure) to Hugh de Payens, the Master of the Templars. It lays out their attitudes and duties in very ardent language. You can contrast Bernard's idealism with some reporting on the facts of the matter (see my article Monastic Knights); I can assure you that they are not so grim as idiots like Ridley Scott would have you believe (the producer of belligerently anti-Crusade movies like Robin Hood in 2010 and Kingdom of Heaven in 2005).

For more secular orders you can go a couple of places. You can look at the garbage in The Complete Paladin or you can turn to other fantasy and historical sources. Great historical knights like Geoffroi de Charny, Ulrich von Lichenstein, and Edward of Woodstock (the Black Prince) wrote much that can be used to interpret their lifestyles. Many other great knights such as (again) Edward of Woodstock, William Marshall, and Jacque Lalaing had prolific biographers. There are plenty of great pseudo-historical books out there and most of those are linked in my Knights thread.

In short, you need to fill in the gaps, but there is a framework out there to help guide you and plenty of other materials for ideas. Remember to work with your FM before you adlib too much though.
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Re: Paladin Order resource?

Post by Aldren » Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:42 am

Thank you veryvery much for the links above. I've been spending a lot of time thinking/considering/debating, and this helps infinitely. Thank you.
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