NPCs and directions

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Sword Bumbler
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NPCs and directions

Post by Patchems » Wed May 01, 2013 9:01 am

I, as a new player, have the hardest time finding places I need to go. throghout the city and in key wilderness areas there should always be NPCs that can give directions to some places, such as where you get your corpse to loot after your pc has a brush with death. Other key places include the various trainers in an area, city or ward, NPCs giving quests, etc. Also the least an NPC can do when he gives you a quest is tell you how to get where you need to go. In my opinion this would not affect the rp aspect at all. I am a level 3 warrior and I chose to be a ranger upon character creation. I find out I have to find a ranger guild and do some quest, no one wants to tell me where exactly to find the guild. I did not choose to be a ranger so I can run around as a warrior all stupid-like just to get attacked by a griffin killed and stuck back in the dripping dagger naked and trying to figure out where to recover my corpse and lost items.
RP is good but over RP removes enjoyment of the game, and why play a game that just isn't fun? I look at a map why do I only get to see the area directly around me? It is a map, not a gps device. Don't get me wrong, I do like the game but I also see how it could be better and could attract more players and more people willing to work on the game. It should not be this hard to train in skills, feats and class. I should not have to go deep into a forest vaguely looking for a rangers guild that may or may not be around. I shouldn't have to wait until I'm high enough level to make it to a guild before I can actually get my class. I shouldn't need special points to be an elf or halfling dwarf or halfelf. I've been playing DnD for a long time and have fired DMs with such strict outlooks on how the game is ran, I have also fired DMs for being too lax, there has to be that happy medium, let us compromise;). FUN is the key to any game, when a game ceases to be fun people cease to be intersted, just saying.
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Re: NPCs and directions

Post by Harroghty » Wed May 01, 2013 1:11 pm

Hi, Patchems. Welcome to Forgotten Kingdoms.

This will be short because I am on my phone in the woods.

Your best resource is other players. There are some NPCs to help early on (Theolonius, Loic), but it is hard to anticipate every question that a new player might have in a very detailed game. Other PCs generally know answers to your questions or, at least, who to ask. Failing that, there is the ask command which will connect you OOC to a player volunteer or staff member who will help out.

Hope that helps.
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Re: NPCs and directions

Post by Vibius » Wed May 01, 2013 3:47 pm

I pretty much agree with Harroghty.

FK's players will be your main source of IC information, you will find that most players are pretty helpful, if that fails use the ask channel. Don't be shy to ask for help ICly.

Cities, roads and plains are relatively safe, other wilderness tiles must be explored with care since in some there might be wild animals or worse.

Welcome to FK.
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Re: NPCs and directions

Post by Aldren » Wed May 01, 2013 4:08 pm

Much agreed with the above two posts. As I answered your ASK about the ranger guild, I'd love to offer some advice (without revealing too much IC info). It's generally best to stay in and around your starting city until at least level 10 (when you no longer have access to your "newbie" training area - For Waterdeep, this is the Snookery). You'll also have allllll the way until level 10 to get comfortable before you are (code-wise) capable of joining a guild (in this case, the ranger's guild).

There have been a looooooot of rangers and druids around in recent days. You should not have any issues asking around ICly and figuring out where/how to join the guild you're looking for.

Cheers and welcome to FK :)
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