Configuration Consume

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Configuration Consume

Post by Casamir » Tue Nov 26, 2013 8:02 pm

I was thinking it might be nice to have a configuration setting that would automatically junk or keep consumables like potions or drinks. If it was important to one particular item or another, you could have those items flagged to bypass it, but otherwise it might be nice to have the choice to have the empty potion/liquor bottles, or have them automatically trash themselves upon use.
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Re: Configuration Consume

Post by Nysan » Wed Nov 27, 2013 1:12 am

Speaking as a person that brews potions, why would anyone junk an empty potion bottle? Maybe generic "glass flask", because they are a dime a dozen, but I never bury, burn, or sac the colored/descriptive potion bottles. I reuse them for other potions. But, maybe that is just me and my pack-ratting ways.

As for empty drinking containers, I was under the impression that most inn/store bought drinks automatically disappear when they are empty already. The exception to this being drink containers such as water skins, mugs, and the like, which are intended to be reused. Are there many store bought, single-use drinks that are not disappearing when empty? If so, shouldn't they?
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Re: Configuration Consume

Post by Casamir » Wed Nov 27, 2013 1:58 am

For those who brew or even purchase from those who brew, there is a reason to save them. But otherwise when dealing with characters who simply buy and consume mob-given potions, they become clutter. I see plenty of them discarded about, and junk many of them myself when playing a character who has no further possible use for them. In the reverse there are containers that autojunk, that I would not mind preserving and refilling for rp reasons, such as mugs or particular brews favoured by a character. It is a small thing to be sure, but one would still find utility in such a feature.
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