Casual Events!

A place to announce forthcoming events and roleplays, organised by imms or players.
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Casual Events!

Post by Raona » Wed May 07, 2014 11:34 am

This is a running thread about events or RP opportunities at short notice. Unlike other events in this forum, these are not planned long in advance, with a firm time; indeed, they may just consist of you announcing, OOC, that you will be (or are) online and keen to do something, and looking for someone to do it with. Here are some example replies to this post, announcing such:

Friends of Bob the Builder: Looking to have an armor-smithing party at Jonathan's at this time, 24 hours from this posting.

Evils: A couple of us are getting together to cause trouble on Monday at around 5pm CDT.

Goodies: I'm online now and looking for help in facing the big red dragon, you know the one.

Drow: We are convening in the mosh pit right now, and will be here for at least two hours from the time of this posting. Please come and join us!

Please use the Event Time Announcer if you specify a time in your post. We are from many, many different time zones!

Thanks to Elenthis for suggesting this thread!
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Re: Casual Events!

Post by Elenthis » Fri May 09, 2014 2:08 am

First one. Diritas and I bumped heads tonight, and want to get some people logged in! As of around an hour and a half of this posting, we're going to see if we can start some antagonizing, so log your Mystrans, and log your Cyricites!

Warning: This could very possibly spawn a PvP situation or situations. Diritas and I have agreed in advance that Pkill will be allowed, but player looting will not. Please make us aware in advance if these terms are not suitable for you.

1.5 hours from the time of this posting (11:30ET).
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Re: Casual Events!

Post by Diritas » Fri May 09, 2014 2:25 am

Servants of The One,
You are called to muster. Reports are showing a rise in activity in The Harlot's pathetic flock and their efforts must be thwarted. We shall muster at The Lord's great Ebon Spires in His Keep and put forth to where-so-ever we shall be needed. Strife has rocked the foundations of The Harlot's church recently... let us make certain they do not recover.
~Lord Diritas Marshall, Praetor under The Lord, His Most Holy Hand of Murder, Kinslayer.
(OOC: This is a casual event where we're hoping Cyricists, Mystrans and the close allies of either can come and butt heads for a bit. PvP resulting will be performed in killmode kill HOWEVER, there will be NO looting and an effort shall be made to spare at least one character from losing side so as to expedite raising for them. This is to be friendly OOC with unfriendly RP with those terms decided in advance. Any who are not comfortable with those terms are welcome not to attend. Please field any questions to Elenthis or myself if you have them)

This is a bit last minute as this event begins in a bit over an hour, but let's see who we can muster. ... 2130&p1=80
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Re: Casual Events!

Post by Diritas » Fri May 09, 2014 3:12 am

For unforeseen reasons, I'll be running a little late to this but rest assured I'll be there soon.
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Re: Casual Events!

Post by Mele » Fri May 09, 2014 3:59 am

One might argue that killmode kill is not a "casual" event, just saying here.. :)
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Re: Casual Events!

Post by Gwain » Fri May 09, 2014 4:04 am

Blind Halfling Chow Taste Tests:

Starting early next week Gwain will try to provide free halfling chow samples to those interested in trying them. Find him in game. Stomach pumps not included. More news to follow.
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Re: Casual Events!

Post by Larethiel » Fri May 09, 2014 7:02 am

Sir Aramil has been contemplating a small venture into the ruined fortress known as Tortulstok to satisfy an interest in the history of the area nearby Ardeep. He will be available at Ardeep ( between ... p1=83&ah=2) to discuss possible options with anyone interested.
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Elenthis is teaching!

Post by Elenthis » Thu May 22, 2014 12:29 am

In an effort to spread knowledge and understanding, Elenthis will be holding a small gathering open to any and all, during which he will be offering lessons to any who wish to partake. This will also be an excellent time for potential wizard apprentices or wizards looking to take on an apprentice to meet! Elenthis is also seeking other users of magic both divine and arcane to offer knowledge. Elenthis will be providing lessons on the basics of Brewing, Meditation, Teleportation, and possibly a few other skills and spells. This will also be a time for wizards to pass knowledge through scrolls. While Elenthis will be providing a -limited- number of scrolls and spell is recommended that you bring with you anything you might anticipate needing, including food and drink.

This is a casual event, will hold no specific format, and I will run it so long as there are interested parties coming and going. While it would be appreciated if anyone interested in teaching let Elenthis know IC, it is absolutely NOT necessary, and you will be welcome! ... p1=68&ah=4

Final Note: If you follow one of Mystra's enemies, your disguise better be spot on ;-)

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Re: Casual Events!

Post by Elenthis » Fri May 23, 2014 9:07 pm

Less than an hour until the open lessons. The location to meet will be the Market Square in Waterdeep. From there, weather dependent, we'll find a more suitable location IC.
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Cold Iron Hunt! (Sponsored by the Legion of the Black Beast)

Post by Aldren » Tue May 27, 2014 8:25 am

The Legion of the Black Beast calls upon those wishing to test their mettle to join them at walls of Daggerford at this time [ ... =3094&ah=2] to discuss the feasibility of a hunt for cold iron. Adventurers should be well-experienced and lack basic morals and manners.

Join Nerian Xavril and his band of merry misfits for the chance to recover treasures beyond measure in the hunt for cold iron.
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Re: Casual Events!

Post by Larethiel » Tue May 27, 2014 3:57 pm

After a first survey of the area and the ruined fortress called Tortulstok with Lady Raona Corbin of Tyr and High Invoker Althasizor Salirius of Mystra, a second venture has been decided upon, this time to explore the lower levels as means to open formerly unlocked doors seem to have been aquired. Further ventures are probable. Interested parties should seek Sir Aramil Neidre for further information or find themselves at the glade in Ardeep at the appointed time.

(OOC: ... 1630&p1=83)
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Re: Casual Events!

Post by Elenthis » Sat Jun 14, 2014 6:38 pm

First Spell Stories

Elenthis would like to invite any and all wizards who are not enemies of the Mystram faith to join him in the Waterdeep Market Square to share a short story of your first spell! The stories do not need to have any specific format or theme. This is a great time to have fun with a little creativity, and give a little more depth to your wizards!

Time and date: ... p1=68&ah=1

I hope to see many faiths, and schools represented!

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Re: Casual Events!

Post by Elenthis » Sun Jun 15, 2014 8:44 pm

The timing on this coincides with another event. Thus I'm pushing it back to Friday.

New date/time: ... p1=68&ah=2
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Re: Casual Events!

Post by Elenthis » Fri Jun 20, 2014 9:01 pm

Reminder: This is coming up in an hour!
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Re: Casual Events!

Post by Zubaran » Thu Jul 17, 2014 4:30 am


A note pinned with a dagger in the snookery can be read:

"Are you an enterprising young adventurer looking for adventure? Join us today at the Dripping Dagger tavern and meet your ilk!

We will venture into the place known as rat hill and explore its secrets!

OOC: Time: ... 40717T1500, up to level ten (not included).
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Re: Casual Events!

Post by Larethiel » Wed Aug 13, 2014 7:42 am

A lesson on the history of Ardeep.

Sir Aramil Neidre kindly invites all interested parties to meet at the forest of Ardeep to discuss and learn about the history of the former Realm of the Deepening Moon. An assortment of food will be provided, questions, critic and discussion is highly encouraged. There is no restrictions of faith, race or alignment, though, those of darkness and those that are not welcome among the trees should remain away.

(OOC: ... p1=83&ah=2)
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Re: Casual Events!

Post by Larethiel » Sat Oct 18, 2014 7:02 am

A lesson on elven history

Sir Aramil Neidre kindly invites all interested parties to be his guests and gather in the forest of Ardeep as lore about the history of the elven People upon Faerun is being shared.

(OOC: Should be happening around ... 9T21&p1=83 +/- one hour, since I get off work at 8pm but expect to be home by 8.45 or so, but one never knows ;) )
Last edited by Larethiel on Sun Oct 19, 2014 7:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Casual Events!

Post by Elenthis » Sat Oct 18, 2014 10:31 pm

I will try to be there!
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Re: Casual Events!

Post by Larethiel » Sun Oct 19, 2014 7:00 pm

This will be postponed and shifted to tomorrow, same time, same place due to the Oghman event, sorry :)
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Re: Casual Events!

Post by Saphyros » Mon Dec 08, 2014 7:33 pm

Celetoren invites every good and neutral character at the Singing Sword Inn, for a hot stew or good drink, and some storytelling. :)
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