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Continual Light and Douse to remove light flag
Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 9:03 pm
by Gwain
I'd like to suggest a douse command option for continual light, it should work like continual light, in the sense that a second casting of the spell should remove the light flag. This way the cost to remove it is equal to the cost to add it for the rare occurrence that you want to remove light flags from objects.
Re: Continual Light and Douse to remove light flag
Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 10:11 pm
by Elenthis
(This post is in jest)
Heh...just cast weapon of energy (fire) on it!
Re: Continual Light and Douse to remove light flag
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:16 am
by Nearraba
After speaking to someone in game about this tonight, I full heartedly love this idea. Thank you, Gwain, for bringing it up! I'm not certain how difficult it would be code-wise, but I do think it would be a useful and welcomed addition.
Re: Continual Light and Douse to remove light flag
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 11:32 pm
by Gwain
Nearraba wrote: I'm not certain how difficult it would be code-wise,
The soft code already exists in game. Its all a matter of having the capacity to remove the glow flag just as we have the capacity to add a glow flag. A good way to manage this, since its rare enough to not warrant adding a new command would be for a builder to put it in as a function for a mobile in an area, you pay, you hand over the item and the mob removes the flag and hands it back. all a matter of manipulation of flags, getting a mobile to simply oset item flag number once more to remove the existing flag.