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Waukeenar Field Trip (and possible horrible deaths...)

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 4:08 pm
by Kesiel
The Waukeenar are going on a field trip! There will be adventure! Glory! Riches! Stuff to sell! And an outside chance of horrible dismemberment and death. But mostly the first stuff! Probably!

The idea is to take a bunch of Waukeenar out on an adventure to see if we can't dig up something shiny to sell whilst simultaneously proving that Waukeen's faith is a force for good in the world. However, to get this off the ground I'm hoping to get as many faithful as possible involved. And hopefuls too, if they're interested.

To do that, I'd like any of you with faithful of whatever level, who would like to be involved, to PM me with your times of availability and, possible, your ballpark level. I have some ideas in mind, but if we turn out to be vastly level inappropriate for it, we can be flexible. This would very much be an IC endeavour, so please expect it to either take a while, or need to be done in a couple of sittings.

If it turns out that there simply aren't enough of us, I'll be sad open it up to those outside the faith.

Re: Waukeenar Field Trip (and possible horrible deaths...)

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 4:12 pm
by Mele
You had me at possible horrible deaths. Time pending I'd love to come. :)

Re: Waukeenar Field Trip (and possible horrible deaths...)

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 4:16 pm
by Algon
I'm totally in! :D

Re: Waukeenar Field Trip (and possible horrible deaths...)

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 10:02 am
by Kesiel
Going to put this on hold while Mele's hubby is in hospital (get well soon!) - but if interested parties can let me know what general times/days are good, I can look at putting something together that works across time zones.