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Non-Dwarf Mithril Ban...

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 12:46 am
by Nysan
(Lost the addy for the old forum so if this was covered there, let me know)
This might be a bit too inchar, in which case, I am sorry, but I'm not sure if this matter is only inchar or considered a OOC/IC matter. The no selling of Hall based Mithril to outsiders, (if it is still an active ban) if someone is found doing this....should it be kept IC and told to the Hall higher ups? Or can it be a question channel affair that involves an imm? I'm a bit hazy on who really has control over this and since recently it came up in a conversation, I thought to ask.


Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 7:13 am
by Athon
I have never had a full understanding of what applies to this rule so I would like some clarification. If this has been posted elsewhere, please inform me.

Does the mithril ban apply to just the mithril-made weapons and armour that the NPC's carry or does it also apply to PC mined and smithed mithril? Granted, even if a PC was allowed to trade mithril to outsiders, it would be EXTREMELY rare and would require lots fo RP. I'm just looking to see what is and isn't allowed.


Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:28 pm
by Kelemvor
As noted above, the ban is an IC one and should be learned about ICly from Feindra or other senior Mithril hall dwarves.