Goblin Info

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Goblin Info

Post by Eechi » Wed Sep 17, 2014 2:22 am

Hello Everyone,

I was thinking of creating a new Goblin character. When I type info in the orc section during character creation nothing comes up with Goblins.

I did a quick search on the forum and found the stat adjustments for them but no other info.

A few questions on their racial abilities:

Do Goblins get darkvision?
Do they require daylight adaptation?

Thanks in advanced to anyone who knows!
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Re: Goblin Info

Post by Bellayana » Wed Sep 17, 2014 10:53 pm

Hey there! I will tell you this. As a player that has made a goblin character, and I bring him out from time to time. Goblins are the hardest race to roleplay and create relationships with in the game. You are playing a monster character, and roleplaying accordingly is challenging in many aspects. The orc roleplay is diverse, and sparse and I haven't researched goblins enough as much as I should to roleplay one (IE: Knowing tribes, skin colors, rituals and such.) I am also very judgmental on roleplay, and knowing the character you are going to play before you play them, but to tell to you Goblins do get darkvision, and are small getting a +1 to AC but their other stats are horrible and creating a goblin is strictly for roleplay enjoyment. So yeah, don't let anything discourage you because you should totally continue with your character creation and I personally would love to see a goblin character in this game! The Orcs and goblins work together a lot of times because of the alliance of Dwarves, Humans and Elves (cough gnomes) I mean just coming onto an elf killing goblins, automatically you've entered a hostile scene. It's great though to see the game through the eyes of other races, and they are not something to take on lightly. Peace Out and Good Luck!
The belief in a supernatural evil is not necessary;
Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.
-Joseph Conrad, Under Western Eyes

-Tofuergus Greenroot, Gnomish Ranger
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Re: Goblin Info

Post by Bellayana » Wed Sep 17, 2014 10:54 pm

Placed, this up here because I believe it really fills the topic nicely.

The belief in a supernatural evil is not necessary;
Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.
-Joseph Conrad, Under Western Eyes

-Tofuergus Greenroot, Gnomish Ranger
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Re: Goblin Info

Post by Vaemar » Fri Sep 04, 2015 1:20 pm

Is it still possible to create a neutral goblin?

I ask because I read of the option on the Play section of the city, but in the creation process sadly it listed only evil alignments. The possibility particularly draws my interest since I played for a long time goblin characters elsewhere, but they were much more akin to coward and opportunist wild animals than to real villains. Not that they were good in any way, but still just too simple to even grasp the meaning of evil. Uhm... they were just beyond good and evil, that's it. So, long story short, I would feel better with a neutral gobblo, but if it's not possible I would probably opt for the average evil little greenskin.
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