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Demand more bolts!

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 8:52 pm
by Terageld
I realized that it is really hard to get crossbow bolts. My character, Terageld, is an avid crossbowman. However, he hangs out mostly in Waterdeep, where no shops sell crossbow bolts. I've seen through my travels around the realms, the only good place to get light crossbow bolts is Westgate (quite a journey from Waterdeep). I've never seen heavy crossbow bolts.
Now there are a few ways to fix this. Can we add crossbow bolts to Zygarth's shop? If that won't work then I would like to buy one of the empty shops on Warrior's Way and open a Fletcher's Shop, where we sell arrows and bolts for both heavy and light weapons.

Re: Demand more bolts!

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 11:08 pm
by Yemin
There is at least one other place located in silvery moon, though its behind a quest that should probably stay unnamed.
I read in the applications help file though that there are no new shops / homes being accepted currently for whatever reason, Though if it does go through, I wouldn't mind clubbing in the IC costs to be co-owner to seel a few other things I felt are pretty rare if your interested.

Re: Demand more bolts!

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 2:54 am
by Indrayan
There are a few places to get bolts.

Re: Demand more bolts!

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 3:42 pm
by Terageld
But has anyone ever seen bolts made for the heavy crossbow?

Re: Demand more bolts!

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 11:05 pm
by Terageld
See? You look at this! Heavy bolts are non-existant in the game! What is even the point of the arbalest or the heavy crossbow? They are paper weights at this point.

Re: Demand more bolts!

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 12:12 am
by Terageld
I also demand more attention to this thread! Imms! Moderators! Do something!

Re: Demand more bolts!

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 2:56 am
by Algon
Terageld wrote:I also demand more attention to this thread! Imms! Moderators! Do something!
Not quite sure demanding things from the IMMs is the way to get things done....Be patient, there are many other things the IMMs have to take care of and this is I am sure not on the top of the list.

Re: Demand more bolts!

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 5:53 pm
by Terageld
Algon wrote:
Terageld wrote:I also demand more attention to this thread! Imms! Moderators! Do something!
Not quite sure demanding things from the IMMs is the way to get things done....Be patient, there are many other things the IMMs have to take care of and this is I am sure not on the top of the list.
Aww... Alright...
Terageld grumbles as he waits for the imms.

Re: Demand more bolts!

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 11:03 pm
by Lysha
You could always offer to build an area that would fix this problem. :)

Re: Demand more bolts!

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 12:30 pm
by Yemin
Heavy crossbow bolts exist as far as I know. Personally I recommend just asking IC or even post on a boat that your looking for high quality bolts for so and so because the chickens get too big on your farm or whatever.

Re: Demand more bolts!

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 8:19 pm
by Ungtar
To be fair, demanding things is a time-honored tradition of D&D that dates back to the beginning.

However, so is the "random" red dragon encounter.

Re: Demand more bolts!

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 5:09 pm
by Ungtar
I found what appeared to be a heavy crossbow and a bolt seller, so it appears your demands have been met.

Re: Demand more bolts!

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 12:24 pm
by Terageld
Can someone tell me where this particular bolt seller is?

Re: Demand more bolts!

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 12:26 pm
by Terageld
But then again, it's not too realistic that Waterdeep does not have a place to sell crossbow bolts, light or heavy. I live in Waterdeep until I run out of ammo and am forced to make a journey to the treacherous city of Westgate.

Re: Demand more bolts!

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 2:33 pm
by Yemin
Agreed thats a fair point.

Could the person who also sells these bolts also sell quivers? or can quivers be added to the leather armor shops abouts the bigger cities, waterdeep, WG, Tantras and silvery?

I don't usually used ranged combat myself, but seems a bit of a waste for the code and such for it to be there and it to be used only by rangers. Fighters can shoot things too.

Re: Demand more bolts!

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 6:11 pm
by Terageld
I think the best way to do this is to remake Zarondar's shop in Waterdeep. Make it so that the shop specifically focuses on ranged weapons, ammo, and quivers. And maybe move the extra swords and axes to Zygarth's shop.
If they want to keep Zarondar's shop the way it is, then I would like to buy one of them lots on Warrior's Way and make me a fletcher's shop.

Re: Demand more bolts!

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 7:07 pm
by Ungtar
The seller I saw also sold quivers that could be worn on back, belt, or leg. You should travel the roads and look for him.

I am for the imms doing less and the players doing more. I am also for reducing the center of gravity that Waterdeep has taken in this world. I bet if some enterprising merchant-type were to go buy some of these cool things sold on merchants from Thay to the Pirate Isle and then bring them back to resell, most players would be willing to pay a substantial mark-up.

We ought to be able to have a pretty thriving economy, but we don't because of the over-reliance on shops. And when there's something people want, they demand it be sold in a shop convenient to them.

It's a failure on the part of the playerbase, of which I am part of. We can fix it ourselves. Heck, just looking at the powers of a priest of Waukeen, you could run your own delivery service for hard to find items. If I were a priest of Waukeen, I'd charge people for the premium service of delivering via the transport spell a sack full of replacement bolts, fresh food, full water skins, and you can upgrade the service and get a healing potion in there as well.

There are actual merchant stalls in the game too. Set one up, fill it with items, and while you're standing in the market square gossiping with your buddies make some coin.

I'm tempted to go make a priest of Waukeen myself now just to accomplish this.

Re: Demand more bolts!

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 8:37 pm
by Yemin
I'm for balance. and keeping a good IC environment. It isn't feasable that a major city in its entirety sells no quivers. I'd point out that earlier in this conversation I was all for asking for bolts and such ICly, but its clearing up that this is more an issue of opinion on how available certain things should be.

Lets put quivers aside a moment. Within waterdeep there is at least 1 shop that sells bows and arrows of the top of my head, and None that do crossbows and crossbow bolts. The same way You *Ungtar* were complaining about no poop in the wilds and tons ontop of a mountain in a city. There really should be both bows and crossbows, and bolts and arrows sold. Honestly I'd go so far as to say most human populated centers of medieval times sold more crossbows and related equipment than bows, simply because crossbows were easier to use because of their crank trigger / point shoot method, rather than the rigorous training it took for people to use bows with anything like true accuracy.

So I guess my point here is that, the game / IMMs are only hurting the game by not making an option readily available that would be otherwise. I point this out in the name of balance and helping other players experience what they want to as I don't use ranged combat myself.

Re: Demand more bolts!

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 9:05 pm
by Ungtar
Actually, crossbows were banned from possession in many medieval cities because they had no non-military, non-assassination uses. One pope even had an edict about it. You couldn't really hunt with them easily and they were a product of warfare and the crusades, where you needed to effectively arm large numbers of unskilled men from the lower classes. As a nobleman, you liked your low-skilled peasants well armed while in Saracen territory but not so much back at home where you were oppressing them.

There could be an argument made that there are IC reasons why they don't sell crossbows at the regular merchants in Waterdeep. It could be the economic equivalent of the peaceknot.

I hear what you're saying ultimately in that they aren't there, but I also don't think everything for everybody should be there. Traveling to different locations and buying region specific flavor equipment is very cool and I would not want to see a Faerun-Mart Mega Super Outlet store open up in one location. I like it when I see someone wearing something and I get to think, "Hey, cool, this guy traveled all the way to Holyhead for his pants."

Just an opposing view on the economy and of questionable value to the topic at hand.

Re: Demand more bolts!

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 9:48 pm
by Yemin
I think thats a fair opinion and didn't know that about crossbows though I'm a fantasy historian not a real one.

Its fine having different fashions in different places..., actually its somewhat important to and its an area that could be improved somewhat. But end of the day, I stand by my view that its pretty funny the mighty waterdeep cannot provide one adventurer with a crossbow, set of bolts and a quiver.