If I have, for example, a simple mob with CLASS_MAGES as its class tag and set to level 20, can I expect it to ONLY cast spells which might be available to a player mage of up to level 20? Or is it going to be throwing higher level spells too based on the tag?
What's the standard on this? Should I consider a mob with a mage or priest class to be a certain number of levels more difficult than an equal level mob with CLASS_MONSTER as the tag?
CLASS_MAGES and such
Re: CLASS_MAGES and such
Following this, a mob with a class will be stronger or rather more skillful than a mob with CLASS_MONSTER.Please use CLASS_MONSTER for those mobiles that are monsters and are the kinds of NPC's who have not trained at all in the art of battle.
Weit in der Champagne im Mittsommergrün,
dort, wo zwischen Grabkreuzen Mohnblumen blühn,
da flüstern die Gräser und wiegen sich leicht
im Wind, der sanft über das Gräberfeld streicht.
dort, wo zwischen Grabkreuzen Mohnblumen blühn,
da flüstern die Gräser und wiegen sich leicht
im Wind, der sanft über das Gräberfeld streicht.