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Lawful good commanding undead

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 5:07 pm
by Yemin
I don't think this was supposed to happen on my LG cleric was it?

Waves of your faith crash over a zombie footman.
A zombie footman now follows you.

Re: Lawful good commanding undead

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 6:07 pm
by Althasizor
Moving this to confirmed. Turn undead is only meant to dominate undead for a neutral or evil cleric in a non-lethal killmode. Unfortunately, I've also noted(on an LN cleric) on a number of occasions that it will attempt to dominate even when in a lethal killmode:
Your killmode is: kill
Waves of your faith crash over a mummy.
A mummy now follows you.
With a bonecrunching sound a mummy's crush violently smashes your left leg.
You shrug off a mummy's unnatural touch.
A mummy stops following you.
In above, the attempt still began combat immediately with the affected creature. If you notice anything else strange with 'turn undead', please let us know here. Thanks!

Re: Lawful good commanding undead

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 6:14 pm
by Larethiel
I have noticed on several occasions that my paladin's turn undead will decrease as if it has been used without him having used any of his paladin abilities, including Turn undead.

Despite the echo of "Undead XY now follows you" the undead do not really follow/are not really being dominated by a LG PC, at least in my experience with the ability.