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Food isn't filling

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 8:36 am
by Yemin
I think it would be a good addition to the game to either up whatever value food uses for hunger, or reduce the value it takes for PCs to get full / stuffed. Whichever is easier.

So far I've found a few options for food that go from starving to stuffed and the majority of the time I'm not willing to spam and carry 8 of a dish to get full when I could eat just the one thing and be on my way. Not to mention the weight involve din carrying 40 0.1 lbs items, when you could carry 5 0.1 lbs items.

Moreover it would help see other foods see use outside of roleplay for the lazy ones like myself and see more exotic foods in the field for the ones that still opt to take 40 cheese wheels with them. After a while of playing you tend to almost blank out that it takes nearly 10 bowls of stew to get full.

Re: Food isn't filling

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 9:52 am
by Larethiel
Moreover it would help see other foods see use outside of roleplay for the lazy ones like myself and see more exotic foods in the field for the ones that still opt to take 40 cheese wheels with them. After a while of playing you tend to almost blank out that it takes nearly 10 bowls of stew to get full.
There are more exotic and cool food options than I am able to think of right now already inserted in game, even regional stuff. Food can be even be harvested for fruit and vegetables, as well as be bought from so many stores and traders, there even are many mobs that were specifically added a while ago to broaden the offer of available food taking in player-submitted suggestions. You just have to find them or ask around for directions or shares or play around a bit to find food you will find more filling/satisfying than stew or cheese.

Re: Food isn't filling

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 10:10 am
by Yemin
Oh, I know about them, Apologies for not making that clear. My thinking is that there is already alot of food in game that isn't experienced or used as much because of how unfilling they are and the most exposure I see them being used for is occasional drops in the Waterdeep MS by players who make the effort to go out and collect.

I was hoping by reducing whatever value the game uses to control full / stuffed it would encourage greater variation in food and add an admittedly small but nice touch to people's roleplay by making them mechanically useful.

Re: Food isn't filling

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 11:33 am
by Alitar
I actually agree with this. As it is, most food options are overlooked for being too light in the tummy but heavy in the pocket. It might fit your RP to stick to a certain fare but eating 8 in a sitting often matches no one's RP. I'm looking at you assorted fruits/berries.

Re: Food isn't filling

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 1:22 pm
by Lirith
I am going to take this opportunity to advertise tarts as a tasty and filling choice.

Re: Food isn't filling

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:11 pm
by Terageld
I'll have you know that cheese wheels are the best things ever in other RPGs.

Is there a correlation between how much a food costs and how much it fills? The School of Combat food costs a little more than one electrum an entrée, twice as much as most of the classic stews. I find that it gets you full almost every time.

Re: Food isn't filling

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 4:05 pm
by Yemin
Not that I know. Just depends on the specific food.
All the foods I've seen that get you stuffed in one go costs less than 1 electrum.

Re: Food isn't filling

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 6:20 pm
by Gwain
A fun idea would be nesting food, food with other food inside it ie an apple you eat and an apple with a bite spills out of it then an apple with two bites spills out and so forth until it's a core. Each layer is the equivalent of one of the foods in question. It means being able to create edible boxes.

Re: Food isn't filling

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 8:43 pm
by Yemin
Eat gwain
You eat a delicious chocolate figurine of Gwain.
A Chandelier spills out onto the ground.
Some buttered toast spills out onto the ground.
A tiny liquorish pomp om spills out onto the ground.

I should add that I think thats a pretty nice touch.

Re: Food isn't filling

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 11:58 pm
by Beskytter
Is it possible to make the food object have a durability to hunger fill system?

You take a bite of an apple and reduce its durability by so many points for each bite, that way a single item of food can fill you over time. This would help players add that little mealtime flair and make dinner parties a thing. (cause so far all I see is clever smotes and spamming if you try to run a dinner party.)

Personally, it is this food based problem that I love the ring of sustenance for. It removes this spammy pitfalled RP from Besky's general RP.

Here's as good an example I can give if there's a codewise person able to fill in the gaps for me:

look apple
You see a fresh bright pink and golden hued apple, it looks complete.
eat apple
You take a bite from the apple. (*Insert code related jargon)
look apple
You see a partially eaten bright pink and golden hued apple.
eat apple
You take a final bite of the apple and all that remains is the core.
look apple
You see only the seedy core of a once bright pink and golden hued apple, there is nothing left to eat.
This way, too, once the durability has been used to a certain point it's only a matter of a few minutes before it "decays" which could be echoed as: You find a rubbish bin to toss away the core of an apple.

Would any of this be way to much work to code in?

Re: Food isn't filling

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 4:22 pm
by Harroghty
I tweaked food objects sold at The Bridge of Fallen Men, Eagle Peak, and Stag Steads to follow this behavior as a test case.

Re: Food isn't filling

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 5:07 pm
by Alitar
Would it be considered code abuse to use a spell like "mending" or "make whole" to repair half-eaten food, or would it be considered viable and creative? This question assumes you're testing foods being damaged as they are eaten.

Personally I think the answer might best be dependant on the food. A platter of burgers no, an Apple yes. Thoughts?

Re: Food isn't filling

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 5:24 pm
by Yemin
After reading both the SRd and the FK help files on mending and make whole, its obvious the spell was meant for unedibles but nothing in each version of the text excludes food as a target as it declares the target to be 1 object and then goes on to specify specific cases where it won't work... of which food doesn't fall into anything given that I can see. I'd award you 50 experience for smartalicness and move on.

Thats my view on it

Re: Food isn't filling

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 5:29 pm
by Harroghty
That would not work on these objects.

Re: Food isn't filling

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 5:32 pm
by Yemin
Indeed, I just tried the delicious, delicious death cheese and I think i'm going to die happy

Re: Food isn't filling

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 7:32 pm
by Yemin
Though as a note, they need to be made so they don't rot away.
Unless that was intentional... which would put us back at square one.

Re: Food isn't filling

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 7:36 pm
by Harroghty
Some food will always rot away, other food objects are more durable. The issues are separate.

Re: Food isn't filling

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 9:02 pm
by Yemin
Ah, I see.