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*Mounted Combat feat makes mounts unhittable

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 2:57 am
by Raona
If a PC possesses the mounted combat feat, their steed will avoid (nearly?) all attacks against it so long as the PC is mounted. The PC being dismounted, or not possessing the mounted combat feat, makes the steed a much, much softer target. I'm not against the mounted combat feat doing something in this regard, but right now it is doing too much, I think.

Steps to reproduce:
goto 23159
buy dapper Dapper
goto 58081
mpsetfeat self 'mounted combat' 1
minvoke lizardman
minvoke lizardman
minvoke lizardman
minvoke lizardman
mount Dapper
order Dapper kill lizardman
<watch, Dapper always avoids damage>
mpsetfeat self 'mounted combat' 0
<Dapper quickly becomes glue>

Re: *Mounted Combat feat makes mounts unhittable

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 3:28 am
by Harroghty
As someone with the mounted combat feat, I can confirm that my mount has been damaged before in combat.