Not sure where to post - Hi y'all!

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Sword Bumbler
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Not sure where to post - Hi y'all!

Post by Boreas » Fri Apr 08, 2016 10:25 pm

Ahoy friends.

I have a habit of playing religiously for a few months and then disappearing off in to the void for a few years. I always get this hankering to play and I rarely slake that thirst. I have a few things I'd like to say about FK after my most recent return.

1. The game is, without a doubt, the most newbie friendly it has ever been.

This is the absolute best time to get new people introduced to Forgotten Kingdoms. Most of the little things that had slipped my mind came back far easier than any time I have returned to the game. I decided that I would let my old characters wither away in to legend and approach Faerun with a fresh perspective. I haven't rolled a new character in years, but it began with the same humdrum of "okay, my stats are going to probably suck, Font of Knowledge is so boring, I want to murder Newt in his stupid little faerie dragon face", and then my expectations were completely shattered. The character generation system is excellent. Well done builders. Then, I met the gibberlings - a timeless classic D&D baddy that I love slaughtering en masse. The gibberling starting area was awesome. I had quite a bit of fun solving the little puzzles (one stumped me for a while on my new rogue) and slaying the wee beasts for an hour. It was a far more immersive experience than I've had in the past, and it gave me time to truly flesh out the roleplay of a new character. Developing role play is the single most critical factor to enjoying a game like Forgotten Kingdoms, and the new area made me dive in to my character in ways that I hadn't before. Maybe I'm just a little better now, but the small cues and prompts certainly helped.

I should also mention the quick and constructive responses of the people on the 'ask' channel - specifically Andreas. It was really reassuring to have people welcome me back as if I hadn't ever left and tell me that they were looking forward to playing with me again. I have been playing FK off and on for more than half of my life. I started when I was 13, I am now 27. This is just bonkers to me.

2. FK, in my opinion, feels MUCH more like D&D now.

I have always been a huge fan of D&D and I still play here and there. I like how specific the rules are and how it establishes reasonable limitations for your character. This was not always the case with FK. Now, when I hit 'score' I know exactly how my character is going to fare in most situations, which again, allows my to actualize that character's limitations from a roleplay perspective. The NPC's in the new area of Waterdeep have been written to integrate your character straight in to the world. There is no lack of activity or quests for new characters, and this is instrumental.


That's all I wanted to say. Thanks for being so welcoming and inviting to me to enjoy one of my favorite games and a big part of my life.

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Re: Not sure where to post - Hi y'all!

Post by Areia » Fri Apr 08, 2016 10:31 pm

Welcome back, and glad to hear the return has gone so well! Hope to meet you in game soon. :)
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Re: Not sure where to post - Hi y'all!

Post by Mattrik » Sat Apr 09, 2016 4:59 pm

I have none of the history here as you have, but the folks here have helped me understand my Warrior in ways I never thought I could so quickly. I am no longer a min-max stat hound, and this game is already a thanks to that! Mattrik is a well-rounded character with depth, and that is pretty much because folks answered my questions, helped me IC'ly, and because of the gibberlings in the beginning.

I couldn't agree with you more about the newbie friendliness here. I only wish more people were online to enjoy this great MUD.
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Re: Not sure where to post - Hi y'all!

Post by Andreas » Sun Apr 10, 2016 7:29 pm

Aww, thanks! I'm always glad to help. Welcome back!
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