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Kelemvorite Meeting

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 7:16 am
by Areia
Notices are posted in Kelemvorite shrines and passed by word of mouth, a gathering of the faithful is called.
Applicants to and members in the service of our master and guide Lord Kelemvor, the flock's Shepherdess bids we all congregate before the altar within the newly refounded Abbey of the Tombstone Bell.

We shall have much and varied business to tend to during this meeting. Be prepared to report on your recent activity relating to the concerns of our church. We shall also discuss matters relevant to the skelleng and other such issues and plan for action in the near future. Furthermore, the Deathlord will wish to raise certain church policy for consideration and outline her expectations as to the behavior and performance of the faithful in general, for the benefit of members new, old, and uninitiated alike.

This is also a chance for faithful to meet and reaquaint themselves with each other, and for hopefuls to meet the faithful and see first-hand what service entails. All those who do not have more pressing matters to see to during this time are strongly encouraged to attend.

I look forward to meeting you all within the Abbey's hallowed halls
Areia Cindrael, Deathlord
So, only faithful and enquirers/hopefuls of Kelemvor for this one. I expect if we get to everything, it could be a somewhat long discussion. I'd like to hold this sometime maybe mid next week, but post here with your best available times, and we'll see about one that fits for the majority.

A few hopefuls have announced themselves lately. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Re: Kelemvorite Meeting

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 8:13 am
by Yemin
Will not be able to do a week friday in the afternoon, or saturday afternoon / evening.

All ESt times of course.

Re: Kelemvorite Meeting

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 10:06 am
by Alitar
Monday to Thursday next week, should be available.

Re: Kelemvorite Meeting

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 11:19 am
by Creivah
After 6 any day during the week except Thursday for Ansli. Saturday and Sunday so far are free.

Re: Kelemvorite Meeting

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 5:39 pm
by Areia
Thanks for the quick responses, guys! :)

It's looking like maybe Wednesday, 27 july at 19:00 (7:00 pm) EST would be a good time for everyone so far?

That time isn't yet set in stone. There are still two hopefuls and as many as two active faithful to hear from. But how does that work for you?

Re: Kelemvorite Meeting

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 5:45 pm
by Creivah
Works for me as long as it is good for everyone else.

Re: Kelemvorite Meeting

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 7:00 pm
by Alitar

Re: Kelemvorite Meeting

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 10:43 pm
by Yemin
That time works.

Re: Kelemvorite Meeting

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 7:52 pm
by Areia
Just to confirm, we'll hold this at the time posted above. See all you deathlings in a few hours!

Re: Kelemvorite Meeting

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 2:45 am
by Areia
Thank you very, very much to those who showed, and to the imm who also got involved. I enjoyed it very much. Hope you all did, too!

Re: Kelemvorite Meeting

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 3:18 am
by Yemin
Posted around the realms are inflamatory pamflets, the writing shoddy and the words clearly written by a very tired man up past his bed time wrote: The plans have been given form
We turn them all to ashes
Only to sing their death songs
In time for Murder's fall

Live by the knife
Die by the knife
Judge's hammer rises
It falls with cold lament.

forward we go
Backward we turn
We'll grasp our scythes
For the reaping has come.

The eternals march on
Grey, black, death and doom
The keep will burn
The keep will burn
Thanks for the meeting, it was fun.

To Battle Necromancy

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 12:56 am
by Areia
To my fellow servants:

The time since our last meeting has been long, and the duties of our service have grown no less dangerous. Let us therefore join again, and let us therefore discuss matters of the utmost gravity, of life and death, and of those who, against what we know to be natural law, claim themselves as masters of both.

I invite you all, servitors of Death and combattants against the dark magics, to come and discuss and learn of the ways of the necromancer. To bulster your resolve and skill concerning one of our most endangering duties as Lord Kelemvor's children, I offer my knowledge and experience both as a sister in arms and a longtime student of the Weave's workings, and I encourage those more senior members of the church's military forces to likewise offer their own. Some topics up for discussion and demonstration include the following:

-- How to discover a covert necromancer
-- Strengths and limitations of the necromantic sphere, what is and is not necromancy
-- How to defend yourself against various specific necromantic magics and tactics
-- Tactics of your own to most efficiently make offense against necromancers
-- How necromancy fits into the teachings of our Lord Master Kelemvor

Active engagement is most encouraged; specific queeries of any sort relevant to the topic may be mailed to me ahead of time, or of course voiced any time in person, and will be answered openly for the benefit of all. We shall congregate at the altar of the Abbey of the Tombstone Bell for greetings and short prayer before we begin.

Any who does not bear Death's sigil and who nevertheless has interest in participating (including hopefuls and enquirers to the church) may apply for invitation via Magical Post. Please do note that, due to the sensative nature of the topics to be discussed, applying does not guarantee anyone admittance; only those judged to be of truest and best intention will be permitted to take part.

Deathlord Areia
OOC: The proposed time is this, but it's not set in stone. The more people who can make it, the better, so shout here or by PM if another time will work better for you! Depending on interest and how productive we manage to be, a further event or two like this may well follow.

Re: Kelemvorite Meeting

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 2:11 pm
by Mengen
At the moment Venith should be able to make this event, though I get my work schedule bi weekly so that might change as we get closer to the set date.

Re: Kelemvorite Meeting

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 1:54 am
by Yemin
Midweek? As usual I can't really make nights EST or PST, but I can do afternoons / mornings with the exception of tuesday and Thursday afternoons.

Re: Kelemvorite Meeting

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 11:39 pm
by Danik
I haven't played in a while... but I set a calendar reminder for this. I'll try to make it.

Re: Kelemvorite Meeting

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 7:29 am
by Areia
It's looking like the above time is best for most by far; attempts at shifting it have not produced favorable results. So that'll be the official, set-in-stone time for this one.

Sorry to those who won't be able to make it. But keep eyes open. I'm planning some smaller, more casual faith things soon after that'll hopefully make up!

Re: Kelemvorite Meeting

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 11:41 pm
by Areia
Thanks to those who came and special thanks to the big guy for making it and giving out the goodies, too! Hope it was fun for people.

Next time, we celebrate Gravedigging Day.

Re: Kelemvorite Meeting

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 8:16 am
by Yemin
Thanks for holding, looking forward to the next.

Re: Kelemvorite Meeting

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 4:06 am
by Areia
Taking suggestions via PM as to best days and times for a small event to come within the next two to three weeks, with interest for our active enquirers and hopefuls to be able to attend. Let me know what's best for you all, Deathlings.

Re: Kelemvorite Meeting

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2018 2:34 am
by Tagrid
Next week I am off school all next week. Pacific Standard Time speaking.. anytime. After that, after 3pm monday through thursday, and any on the weekend.