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HowTo: The Stories Forum

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 3:20 pm
by Harroghty
This forum should be the home for in character stories and news. This can be:
  • IC stories about your PC but based on events outside of game play to date. e.g. background stories
  • Logs from the game
  • News of game events presented in an IC fashion
The general caveats stand. Please do not expose sensitive game content such as -for example- quest details, trainer locations, or RP organizational secrets. Likewise, please do follow the rules of good taste and keep this to content which will not offend the general population. I realize that guidance can be vague (good taste varies, after all), but the staff will monitor content and potentially remove or hide it as necessary. In such cases, the staff will make a reasonable effort to work with the author if appropriate.

* In general, this information is not to be used in character. The idea here is to cite great role play, foster creativity, and advertise this game.