Is there large sized gear or someone who can resize gear?

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Is there large sized gear or someone who can resize gear?

Post by Andreas » Thu Oct 27, 2016 9:28 pm

So I've dusted off my old wemic character to play a bit and I'm having a lot of trouble finding any gear for him that fits him. Is there size large gear in game already for the few of us who have monstrous characters (recently saw a centaur too) or is there a mob somewhere that can resize gear to large size?

If there's no mob currently that can resize gear to large size, is it possible to put one in somewhere?
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Re: Is there large sized gear or someone who can resize gear

Post by Gwain » Thu Oct 27, 2016 9:51 pm

I've only heard of a mobile that will reduce the size of magic gear. Otherwise it would be a 20 glory charge. I'd be all for adding a mobile in the centaur camp that can do the service of resizing gear to large in size from medium gear for monstrous races only.
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Re: Is there large sized gear or someone who can resize gear

Post by Areia » Fri Oct 28, 2016 5:55 am

Also, not sure if you're wondering about magic gear specifically or gear in general (apologies if it's the former), but nonmagical gear can be resized by most weapon/armor vendors via the resize command ('help resize'). :)
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