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Publication Status Question...

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 11:32 pm
by Nysan
Simple question. I sent in a few publications for one of my characters. Its been about a year irl. Not complaining or anything, but I was wondering if there is anyway to check the status on them? To see if they are still on the work-in pile or got lost somewhere along the way? If it is just a matter of too much stuff on the to-do list, I understand. Its the not knowing thats the killer. Thanks,


Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 9:12 pm
by Nysan
The passing of over a year irl was my only concern. My character has his token but chooses not to go to school for rp reasons. Since it is just the to-do list, I'm happy to wait. Thanks for the answer.
