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Detect alignments not working properly

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 12:14 pm
by Yemin

Code: Select all

A cavalier of Luskan nods at you.
c know cav
You begin to chant.
A warhammer and scales on a shield pendant glows briefly.
A cavalier of Luskan is lawful evil.
The Long Road
 N-Plains          E-Plains          S-Plains          W-Plains         \pp
NE-Plains         NW-The Long Road  SE-The Long Road  SW-Starmetal Hills?@p
The road is clear of grass and heavily rutted from the passage of many  hp\
wagons bearing their heavy loads. There are several potholes that you
must take care to avoid tripping in. 
The sky is warm and stormy and a cool northern breeze blows.
A crossbowman of Luskan takes steady aim here.
A crossbowman of Luskan takes steady aim here.
A crossbowman of Luskan takes steady aim here.
A crossbowman of Luskan takes steady aim here.
A crossbowman of Luskan takes steady aim here.
A crossbowman of Luskan takes steady aim here.
A crossbowman of Luskan takes steady aim here.
A crossbowman of Luskan takes steady aim here.
A crossbowman of Luskan takes steady aim here.
A crossbowman of Luskan takes steady aim here.
A cavalier of Luskan patrols here.
A cavalier of Luskan patrols here.
A cavalier of Luskan patrols here.
A cavalier of Luskan patrols here.
A cavalier of Luskan patrols here.
A cavalier of Luskan patrols here.
A cavalier of Luskan patrols here.
A cavalier of Luskan patrols here.
A cavalier of Luskan patrols here.
A cavalier of Luskan patrols here.
A captain of Luskan commands the occupation here.
A crossbowman of Luskan takes steady aim here.
A crossbowman of Luskan takes steady aim here.
A cavalier of Luskan patrols here.
A cavalier of Luskan patrols here.
A soldier of Luskan marches here.
A soldier of Luskan marches here.
Your pulse returns to normal.
 Mental state: You feel great.
 Spells and other magical affects
  Affected: Read magic for a long time
  Affected: Comprehend languages for a long time
  Affected: Detect evil for a long time
  Affected: Neutralise poison for a long time
  Affected: Owls wisdom for a short time
  Affected: Magic circle for a long time
  Affected: Wind walk for a long time
  Affected: Stone skin for a long time
  Affected: Freedom of movement for a long time
  Affected: Heroism for a long time
As you can see, it seems lawful evil isn't showing up as evil when I just have detect evil up.

I faintly remember another alignment based bug sometime ago to do with how lawful seemed to suppress other alignments from showing.