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Ilmater supplicate item

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 12:54 pm
by Thurgan
I noticed that one of Ilmater's supplicate items, the tabard, is LAYER_ALL , whereas I don't think that this should be the case due to the nature of the item.

I propose it be changed to allow layering other things with it both under and over it as most other worn items in main body locations.

I would view this item probably as a cloak type item being able to be worn over armor. But if it is indeed intended to take up the armor location, then I would propose allow laying under/over it, especially over it.

Re: Ilmater supplicate item

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 12:58 pm
by Areia
Or give it AC. I can't recall due to sleepiness at the moment, but I'm fairly sure the FR tabards that tabard is based off of are supposed to be super protective or something. Kinda wanna say it had AC 3, but... well... sleepiness.

But I've always would have liked to see that particular item changed somehow, too. It seems quite a lot more underwhelming than most any other sup items I'm familiar with. Comparable to RMI easily, and arguably worse due to its ALL layer.

Edit: On second thought... To be fair, the other two sup items for Ilmater are sort of... well... two of the more overwhelming sup items I'm familiar with. Maybe it's good to have that balance.

Re: Ilmater supplicate item

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 3:46 pm
by Thurgan
I'm fine with it being layer armor, but seems kinda silly that you can't layer under or over it. I mean its a tabard not a exoskeleton of plate armor. If you can layer with full plate armor you should be able to layer with a tabard...just sayin.

Anyway, was just something I noticed and thought was odd.

Re: Ilmater supplicate item

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 7:06 pm
by Talos
Changing to layer over, as one would not generally wear a tabard under things.