Character Ideas we'll never get around to

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Character Ideas we'll never get around to

Post by Alitar » Tue Sep 05, 2017 2:16 pm

Yoelle Ospeen - Lawful Evil Priest of Waukeen - The Great Sermonator - Senior Priest of the (Mega)church of Seaforest which seats near 20,000.
The Parasite expects the doctor to heal them for free, the farmer to feed them out of charity. How little they differ from the thief or beggar who would rob you of your hard earned coin, each simply looking for a victim he can abuse to his own gain.
- Yoelle Ospeen, while his junior priests carry collection plates through the rows.
Seaforest Church is inaccessible due to the tide of the orcs!"
- Yoelle Ospeen as he secures the gates and takes a leisurely stroll back to one of his estates.

p.s. Sorry if anyone is bothered by the dig. Don't know the man or his church, just thought it was a funny character concept that translated well to D&D. Heart goes out to you Texas players, hope you're keeping safe and warm!

I encourage you to post your own ideas for characters you'll never get around to!
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Re: Character Ideas we'll never get around to

Post by Althasizor » Tue Sep 05, 2017 2:41 pm

I had an idea for a Calim bard once that I was pretty into, who would basically just write long dramatic songs and stories about the ridiculously easy adventure's he'd been on, but I never ended up making him because songwriting is, not surprisingly, very hard. I'd even drawn him, although I never saved any prepared quotes or anything like that! I still think it'd be fun, but I don't think I'll ever do it.
What are you talking about? What, that guy?
That was like that when I got here.
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Re: Character Ideas we'll never get around to

Post by Harroghty » Tue Sep 05, 2017 3:16 pm

I think it would be cool to make a Sunite paladin modeled after Ulrich von Lichenstein's book Frauendienst (The Service of Women). He would basically dedicate each of his accomplishments to a woman and take challenges from women for future accomplishments.

While it's not a bad idea for a PC, I think it's at risk of being a little too narrow and probably exhausting!
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Re: Character Ideas we'll never get around to

Post by Yemin » Tue Sep 05, 2017 3:31 pm

Muaigo: Drow rogue assassin of Malar who was very much into Taking easy kill contracts because he enjoyed his work. I ended up deleting him at level 8 when he died to a punch to the face at 70 percent health.

usually this wouldn't make me quit a char, but man... drow leveling is tough. Even though I was lucky enough to be playing in the states at the time. So I actually did meet other drow.

I wouldn't have included him here since I technically did make him, but I don't feel as though I really got to play him.

Next is:
Renar Umberspark, brother to a tabletop character i played for 6 months. human Paladin of Tyr, sword of Mercy. Very proper except when he's competing with his brother in doing works for his god.

Next is:
Dein Umberspark, human Paladin of lathander, most gracious sword of valor. Champion of a thousand lady's hearts. A progidy with the longsword from birth. He'd inspire jealousy from his brother as well as his social betters at the Suzaille court where he squired for a member of the Silvercrown family before being dismissed for excelling too much. He ended up rolling for special interest on the path finder background generator I used so he has the favor of one of Lathander's celestials and has heard voices ever since he was a child.

Next is:
Unnamed, but he was going to be a moon elf, half elf or human fighter of Selune. Happy go lucky but he would hold himself to something he would call the heroic code. Basically what he would see as an easier version of the shivalric code of knights. His code would be all to do with honoring your adventuring group, Proper management of funds and resources and always holding yourself up to be a hero to inspire people to stand up for themselves and be better. Catch phrase when charging into combat would be.
"Witness my heroism!". I don't think I'll ever get to play this one as I have other things on the burner to make.

Maleno harpwinter, halfling illusionist. He'd be a NE thief. IC, using his spells to help him steal stuff as his roleplay. I'll be honest, I was only ever inspired to build this char to plague Gwain with halfling antics. But in the stead of him. To plague anyone with halfling antics really. There are far too many little cool coded objects that people don't use.

And the list goes on...., oh, btw, I don't mind if people find inspiration or outright steal these ideas, I'd rather see them played in some fashion than me never getting around to them.

Prana, humble female paladin of kelemvor. Growing up a tavern owner's daughter in Hillsfar, she was always put off by the way the red plooms would operate in taking advantage of local businesses due to their station. Her unusual height and musculature would make her fit in more with the boys than the girls so when her parents were left destitute after their Inn burns down, she'd leave home to be less of a burden and travel with an adventuring band, primarily as an apprentice rogue, until one day whilst grave robbing she'd rob the grave of a knight of kelemvor who'd set her straight and mentor her into seeking the order when she was a litle older.

i was looking forward to see how the conflicting natures would come out on this one, but i decide din the end I'd enjoy Praus the stuttering preacher more.
I trained up double-edged bananas because the uber-plantain of doom I scored from the beehive quest was the best weapon in the game. Now it's being treated like a bug and they have gimped its damage! That's not fair! My character is ruined!
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Re: Character Ideas we'll never get around to

Post by Alitar » Tue Sep 05, 2017 5:10 pm

Seeing some great ideas. Always been a sucker for knights, and the Sunite and Kelemvorite mentions seem rather interesting. I can definitely see what you need, Harroghty, about the trouble with the "one trick pony" sort of characters. Being too narrow, having a distinct gimmick that drives the toon, I learned along the way that it doesn't tend to make for a character I'll enjoy. I don't think it would be hard to expand on that Sunite knight to make them well-rounded enough to be fun, but I definitely have had ideas that won't work for the trouble of not really having enough that could be expanded on them.
For example,
The Weeping Lady. An Umberlant Priestess Water Genasi who appeared to be a drowned woman, pale, bloated, and always seeping water from the eyes. She was to be erratic and crazed, weeping over her lost children and blaming strangers for their death which was caused by her own ignorance in not realizing they didn't inherit the watery bloodline- thus they had a need for air that went ignored.
I've revisited the idea a lot, but never have made her. I can't imagine her experiencing any meaningful roleplay the way my mains have over the years. She's just a gimmick, better as an npc than a pc.
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Re: Character Ideas we'll never get around to

Post by Yemin » Tue Sep 05, 2017 5:51 pm

I've noticed some people here refer to their characters as toons.

is ther a specific game / genre that lingo is from?

Everytime I see it, I go back to this
I trained up double-edged bananas because the uber-plantain of doom I scored from the beehive quest was the best weapon in the game. Now it's being treated like a bug and they have gimped its damage! That's not fair! My character is ruined!
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Re: Character Ideas we'll never get around to

Post by Ailyn » Tue Sep 05, 2017 5:59 pm

Ryziliaxtis - Was to be a fighter of Tiamat, a black dragon cursed to roam the world as a human. This does not change the fact he still serves Tiamat, and while no longer having his true power, he uses his new form to do the deeds he can now in her name. Of course, this type of character would be heavily apped for, from the backstory and being a dragon in reality to following an uncoded deity to the roleplays needed for it. In all though, the character could always be made an evil NPC that causes destruction or hunts down those that continuously hunt down dragons with his group of other non-dragon followers of Tiamat.

Unamed Aasimar Bard - Was going to do an aasimar bard who followed no deity, instead was simply a free spirit who sang and danced. She would deny her aasimar heritage if people tried pointing it out, claiming she is human, not special as people wish to make her out as. The problem is, I have no actual creativity in making songs like so many other wonderful bards do, so the idea was shelved pretty quickly.

Unamed Auril Priestess - Another one that was shelved quickly. Though I liked the idea of having a character revolve around winter, and perhaps making appearances during the winter months in game, the idea grew a bit boring quickly as I could not really think of many interesting things to do. That, and being an uncoded deity's follower means missing out on a number of things, even though some might be apped for or given in RP. Still, another character that would be better suited as an NPC evil.
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Re: Character Ideas we'll never get around to

Post by Alitar » Tue Sep 05, 2017 6:13 pm

Yemin wrote:I've noticed some people here refer to their characters as toons.

is ther a specific game / genre that lingo is from?

Everytime I see it, I go back to this
I never did until I came here. Aldren's player calls them that and it wore on me. Somewhere along the way I guess I just started using it myself. I think it might be a WOW thing.
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Re: Character Ideas we'll never get around to

Post by Lirith » Tue Sep 05, 2017 6:18 pm

Alitar wrote:I never did until I came here. Aldren's player calls them that and it wore on me. Somewhere along the way I guess I just started using it myself. I think it might be a WOW thing.
Meanwhile, calling them toons makes me shudder a bit inside in the same way that I do whenever I hear an area referred to as a zone, or whenever I heard the word panties. It's weird and total nonsense.
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Re: Character Ideas we'll never get around to

Post by Alitar » Tue Sep 05, 2017 6:42 pm

Lirith wrote:
Alitar wrote:I never did until I came here. Aldren's player calls them that and it wore on me. Somewhere along the way I guess I just started using it myself. I think it might be a WOW thing.
Meanwhile, calling them toons makes me shudder a bit inside in the same way that I do whenever I hear an area referred to as a zone, or whenever I heard the word panties. It's weird and total nonsense.
Yea but you think "pants" means "underwear" and that "loch" means "lake". Weirdy
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Re: Character Ideas we'll never get around to

Post by Vaemar » Tue Sep 05, 2017 7:00 pm

- A moon elf bard or thief who was pretty merry and fond of festivals who wanted to follow Sehanine. Eventually ditched because I have already two elves. What inspired me was the relative rarity of moon elves around the kingdoms.

- A dwarf skald who played kettledrums, horns deafening everybody and who sang off-key to boot. Eventually ditched because making it work as a mechanical bard was hard and because I have already another dwarf I play little, so no point in having two.

- A forest gnome bard who imitates animal noises and performs while hidden. A very atypical kind of bard indeed, and probably something to app for. I was inspired by the music of the Sakha singer Yuliyana. Eventually ditched because I have already a forest gnome and a wood elf bard and because I feared animal noises may become monotonous works in the long run.

- A Waukeenar thief who was basically a merchant from Calimport, rather than a real thief. So one of those thieves who actually fight other thieves. Ditched because I have already a Bedine and even if they are definitely not the same thing they are close.

- A Shou tea maker escaping from T'u Lung, class thief and wanted to apply to follow the Way, black Chung Tao. Eventually ditched because I feel a bit odd playing roles based too heavily on real world cultures different from mine, as I found out playing my Bedine. I think I will eventually play a character from Kara-Tur eventually, though.

- Same as above but a wu jen (mechanically mage) but this time coming from Shou Lung and following the Way still, but white Chung Tao. And ditched more or less for the same reasons.

- A real monk using polearms based on the sohei from oriental adventures. I wanted to apply for either a Shaoling monk from Shou Lung or a monk from Tabot, as well as following the Path of Enlightenment. See above.

- A thief, but actually a rider from the Tuigan steppes. The idea was to follow Akadi and take bow proficiency, mounted combat and mounted archery. Again, see above.

- An aasimar thief with katana from Kozakura, descended from a being of the celestial bureaucracy. It was inspired by this picture, but eventually I ditched it because it seemed to me too manga. I wanted to apply to follow the Way of Enlightenment, Kanchai school.

- An Uthgardt barbarian from the black raven or the red tiger tribe (more inclined toward the red tiger actually), again thief but taking short axes, long axes and bows. Of course follower of Uthgar. Ditched because I have already an orc thief which is more barbaric.

- An Aurilite thief from the North, i.e. north from Luskan and heavily inspired to Red Sonja. Same story of the Uthgardt.

- A human druid of Silvanus. This was actually even created, because I think Silvanus is *the* druid deity of Forgotten Realms and I would love to see more Silvanites in game, but at the same time I was not able to come up with an interesting personality for such a role, so I ditched him.

- A human bard follower of Selune and beloning to the Gur people, who are inspired to real world Romany. Same story about cultures based on real world ones quite different from mine. She was meant to be a fortune teller and a soothsayer.

- Deep gnome deep shadow. I have a deep gnome already and I feared deep shadows could turn out to be a guild I would enjoy so much playing.

- Kobold sorcerer. Don't think either kobolds or sorcerers will become playable anytime soon, so ditched.

- Yuan-ti thief. Same story.

- Deep Imaskari ranger who hunts in the Underdark to gather components for their kinsmen experiments. Some kind of monster hunter. Again, don't think the race will become playable in the near future.

Also, yeah, in general I ditched many of these concepts because I have already many alts and I thought it may be better to focus on them a bit more instead than on creating even more alts. If anybody likes any of the concepts above feel free to use them! :)
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Re: Character Ideas we'll never get around to

Post by Areia » Tue Sep 05, 2017 8:50 pm

Herr Wilhelm Raginald von Treuherz the Brave, the Pure, and the Unwaveringly Dutiful, Lord Son of the Famed and Most Celebrated Herr Arnulf of the east and Eldritch Sword in the service of His Divine Majesty Torm the Fury Loyal, May His Gauntlets Shine and His Sword Gleam with the Mystical Fires of Duty for a Hundred Hundred years in the Great Lion's Most Solemn Charge

...was to be the title of a Landsknecht-esque (just not a mercenary) Tormish crusader wannabe eldritch knight, the great embarrassment of his noble family at whom many in the courts laughed for their bumbling heir. Endlessly loyal, nigh bursting with the passion to make his father, family, and god proud in following in the footsteps of his sire, and blissfully unaware of his continued bumbling failure in matters minor and major, he was a young lad much gifted in the ways of the Weave and, unmercifully, hopeless in those of the sword.

He was to be a coded wizard who insisted on bearing his noble arms upon a heavy heater and emblazoned over a masterfully crafted full plate harness in which he could only just manage to move (inherited from his knight father), aspiring to one day become a true eldritch knight, despite that he would ever only barely know the tip from the pommel of his allegedly legendary (but actually only really pretty and useless) bastard sword. A spoof of knights everywhere, he'd be completely useless, if not disadvantageous, in a fight--and even his diplomatic skill would be laughable, on account of his being far too concerned with his shining appearance and which of the realm's fair maidens would next need his galliant aid to truly focus his most righteous efforts on such things.

Ultimately I figured the app would receive a resounding no, and anyway it was a part that could be painfully amusing but only for a fixed time before it got old. Regardless, funny enough, a much, much toned-down and otherwise modified version of him was to inspire in part a certain noble-esque and charismatic, but under-achieving and thus terribly bitter fighter of mine.
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Re: Character Ideas we'll never get around to

Post by Grenwyn » Tue Sep 05, 2017 9:28 pm

Vaemar wrote:- Kobold sorcerer. Don't think either kobolds or sorcerers will become playable anytime soon, so ditched.
Someday I want to play a kobold bard who thinks he's a failed sorcerer. Unfortunately my tabletop DM is racist against kobolds.
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Re: Character Ideas we'll never get around to

Post by Harroghty » Tue Sep 05, 2017 9:44 pm

FWIW, I also find toon very odd. But, to me, Harroghty is Harroghty, not a character. He's been with me for a long time in many games.

I would love to make a Solomon Kane-type PC. Well, truth be told, I did, but it didn't keep me.
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Re: Character Ideas we'll never get around to

Post by Lirith » Tue Sep 05, 2017 10:01 pm

Harroghty wrote:But, to me, Harroghty is Harroghty, not a character. He's been with me for a long time in many games.
This makes me think you do what I do and talk about him in the third person, which is what I do with many of mine. Apparently it's weird (so I've been told), but I find it completely normal to think of them as separate people to me with separate lives like they are doing their thing when I'm not there to watch.
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Re: Character Ideas we'll never get around to

Post by Alitar » Tue Sep 05, 2017 11:08 pm

They're characters to me in that... They may have grown to be a part of me in some sense or another but they are in and of themselves a separate thing to myself. As a player, I try to see it as more of a position of writer or author for the character. A good author should be able to write many different sorts of people, many who are very different from the author themselves. Different gender, different likes/dislikes, and so on, these are just characteristics beneath the tip of your pen. I absolutely refer to them in the sense of "Alitar did this and that" etc rather than "I did this and that" when I'm talking about them because somewhere along the way, for better or worse, I stopped stepping fully into the characters' shoes and started writing the character from my own. I think, right around the time my characters started being far different people from one another rather than re-skinned and re-named version of the same toon I'd made at my first mud when I was twelve. I do miss the greater immersion I used to get at times, but the stories were never so meaningful to me in those days as they are now.
Sorry for the rambling, kinda thinking aloud I suppose.
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Re: Character Ideas we'll never get around to

Post by Yemin » Wed Sep 06, 2017 2:57 am

I used zone instead of area bc the medieval fantasy MUD that was my first used that term when building.

And stlarn you, Loch is a lake, its just that the scottish peoples made them by spitting in a large whole over a prolonged period of time, trying as ever to rid themselves of the pete whiskey they enbibed the night before....

All my characters Start out as blank slates with one or perhaps two defining characteristics, and thats all I need to begin with. Their personality grows at about 3 to 4 months of play. I seem to have a nack for making characters that would not really get along with each other, even if they share similar alignments. As I've hinted, I tend to become quite emersed still. Even after over a decade of playing MUDs to the point that Mers makes me Synical, Lustria makes me motivated and vice versa in a wonky way, it becomes a way of channeling those things out and elsewhere for a bit so I don't take over the world out of shear indignation.
I trained up double-edged bananas because the uber-plantain of doom I scored from the beehive quest was the best weapon in the game. Now it's being treated like a bug and they have gimped its damage! That's not fair! My character is ruined!
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Re: Character Ideas we'll never get around to

Post by Zethanon » Wed Sep 06, 2017 8:23 am

Yemin wrote: All my characters Start out as blank slates with one or perhaps two defining characteristics, and thats all I need to begin with. Their personality grows at about 3 to 4 months of play.
This is generally how all my characters go. I have a base race/class idea, think of a few quirks, then let it go from there. Sometimes I'll even pick a specific faith to aim for.

Toon's also a little strange for me. I've always referred to them as characters. Each one's a bit of me, but certainly separate from me. Sometimes I'll start with "I did" but generally catch myself and correct with "Zeth did" and so on.

I'll say zone if I forget the word area. It's happened and it's embarrassing and I don't want to talk about it anymore. >_>
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Re: Character Ideas we'll never get around to

Post by Benorf » Wed Sep 06, 2017 12:39 pm

Grenwyn wrote:
Vaemar wrote:- Kobold sorcerer. Don't think either kobolds or sorcerers will become playable anytime soon, so ditched.
Someday I want to play a kobold bard who thinks he's a failed sorcerer. Unfortunately my tabletop DM is racist against kobolds.
I'd kill in order to be able to play a kobold.

Kobold fighter that thinks he is a noble knight. He has absolutely *no* idea what nobility really is, and thinks being a good knight means killing things bigger than you. He also believes that his trusty toad companion 'Mister Higgins' is a magical prophet and does whatever he thinks Mr. Higgins wants him to do. Since he can't talk with toads, he often thinks the toad's attempts to escape his grip means he wants to join in the fight, causing him to fling it full force at enemies, thus killing Mr. Higgins. He promptly eats the toad and assumes the next one he encounters is a reincarnation of Mr Higgins, returned to help him again. SUPER weird idea, but it was the product of a *very* late night D&D campaign fueled by a lot of energy drinks and more than a little gin.
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Re: Character Ideas we'll never get around to

Post by Harroghty » Wed Sep 06, 2017 2:28 pm

Benorf wrote:being a good knight means killing things bigger than you
Not too far off!
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