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Unable to flee while on nofight

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 6:11 pm
by Grenwyn
I had absent-mindedly left combatmode nofight on after a previous endeavor, and found myself unable to flee from combat as a result. This seems like a bug to me. (Specific mobs censored, but I'll give details in PM if needed.)

Code: Select all

The [Evil Badguy] approaches you and prepares to engage you in combat!
Your stone skin absorbs some of the [Evil Badguy]'s damage.
The [Evil Badguy]'s slash minces your head.
You aren't fighting anyone.
A [Hapless Bystander] joins the battle!
A [Evil Minion] joins the battle!
A [Evil Minion] joins the battle!
A [Evil Minion] joins the battle!
A [Terrifying Mount] joins the battle!
A [Evil Minion]'s slash lacerates a [Hapless Bystander]'s chest.
A [Evil Minion]'s slash lacerates a [Hapless Bystander]'s abdomen.
A [Evil Minion]'s slash lacerates a [Hapless Bystander]'s chest.
A [Hapless Bystander] ducks under a [Evil Minion]'s slashing attack.
Your stone skin absorbs some of the [Evil Badguy]'s damage.
The [Evil Badguy]'s slash nearly bisects your left arm.
A [Evil Minion]'s slash lacerates a [Hapless Bystander]'s chest.
No way! You are still fighting!
A [Evil Minion]'s slash lacerates a [Hapless Bystander]'s chest.
A [Evil Minion]'s slash lacerates a [Hapless Bystander]'s abdomen.
A [Evil Minion]'s slash lacerates a [Hapless Bystander]'s chest.
A [Hapless Bystander] ducks under a [Evil Minion]'s slashing attack.
A [Terrifying Mount]'s claw drives deeply in to a [Hapless Bystander]'s chest.
A [Hapless Bystander]'s heart is torn from his chest.
A [Hapless Bystander] is DEAD!
You hear a [Hapless Bystander]'s death cry.
You prepare to flee ...
Your stone skin absorbs all of the [Evil Badguy]'s damage.
Your stone skin absorbs some of the [Evil Badguy]'s damage.
The [Evil Badguy]'s slash tears open your chest.
Your stone skin absorbs some of the [Evil Badguy]'s damage.
The [Evil Badguy]'s slash minces your abdomen.
Your stone skin absorbs some of the [Evil Badguy]'s damage.
With a sickening sound the [Evil Badguy]'s slash deftly shreds your chest.
Your stone skin absorbs some of the [Evil Badguy]'s damage.
The [Evil Badguy]'s slash tears open your chest.
Your stone skin absorbs some of the [Evil Badguy]'s damage.
The [Evil Badguy]'s slash lacerates your chest.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
Your stone skin absorbs some of the [Evil Badguy]'s damage.
The [Evil Badguy]'s slash minces your left arm.
Your severed left arm falls to the ground!
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
Your stone skin absorbs some of the [Evil Badguy]'s damage.
Your skin feels soft again.
With a sickening sound the [Evil Badguy]'s slash violently shreds your chest.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
You aren't fighting anyone.
...Everything begins to fade to black.

You feel yourself leaving your body... rising up into the air, you feel
more free than you have ever felt before...

However, before your deity comes to collect your soul, you feel a strange
pulling sensation as strange and colorful mists swirl around you...
The [Evil Badguy]'s slash tears a gaping wound into your chest.

Re: Unable to flee while on nofight

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 6:22 pm
by Yemin
Looks like everything is working as intended to me.

Ironically, you must fight to flee.

As in, you can't take combat actions whilst in nofight. It seems like something that was considered too minor to put in a work around since you can go to stun and flee