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Is there a limit to the number of chapters in a publication?

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 5:04 pm
by Lerytha
As the name of the post suggests, I was wondering if there is a limit to the number of chapters allowed in a publication. I have read the forums, and the help files, but there seems to be no mention of a maximum length.

I have somehow got it in my sub-concious that there is a maximum length of 8 chapters... is that true? If it is, is there any possible way for me to have 11?

Only there seems to be far more information that I need to write in my book that can be limited to 8 chapters. If there is no limitation, then I am sorry for taking up time...

Thanks in advance!

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 5:29 pm
by Nedylene
I do not believe there is any limit but if you are feeling self concious you can always split your book into volume 1 and volume 2. Other bards have done that and I believe the most famous example is the mermaid's tale by lorelie.