A more diverse Elven pantheon

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A more diverse Elven pantheon

Post by Rordan » Thu Dec 07, 2017 4:04 pm

As it stands, we have one racial deity for elves, and that can be said fir most demi-human species. However, elves are one of our most played races in the game, and not all of them fit perfectly into Corellon's faith for one reason or another, though they may still venerate him. I was wondering about the viability of adding in another Elven god, such as Sehanine Moonbow, or even a dofferent deity to represent druids amongst the elves, to spice it up a little.

What does eveyone think? Can staff give some clarification on if this is possible or not? What would be good choices?
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Re: A more diverse Elven pantheon

Post by Areia » Thu Dec 07, 2017 9:10 pm

It would be cool ideally to have a wider range of racial deities. I've often wanted to RP a dwarven defendor of Gorm Gulthyn or an orcish cleric of Yurtrus but just haven't, partly because of my RP commitments in other areas, but also because there is so little support for them in game (necessarily so).

But we do have the option to app to serve uncoded deities, and all the racial ones fall under that category. So a path to that sort of RP is already available should one wish to take it, it just doesn't come with all the godly flashiness of coded deity service, which in my opinion is better.

Edited to add: Also, I would like to see a stronger active following of the main racial gods (i.e., Corellon, Gruumsh, Yundalla, etc.) that remains stable and well RP'd before adding more of the less common racial deities. As is, I do not think we really have the playerbase or demand to warrant adding other coded deities, but those who still desire that RP can app as mentioned above.
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Re: A more diverse Elven pantheon

Post by Mele » Thu Dec 07, 2017 9:32 pm

You can follow all but 3 deities in FR here. Check out the HOWTO section.

(I would link, but I am replying via mobile.)
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Re: A more diverse Elven pantheon

Post by Areia » Thu Dec 07, 2017 9:43 pm

For reference, here is that link.

The only Powers unavailable for worship in FK are Eilistraee, Garagos, and Sharris, for variously obvious reasons. But any others are options, including the racial pantheons' gods.
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Re: A more diverse Elven pantheon

Post by Harroghty » Thu Dec 07, 2017 10:03 pm

To wit, we are beginning to role out some new functionality for uncoded deities. It's all coded and in place, but we haven't followed up on existing followers of uncoded deities yet. All uncoded followers going forward will have resurrection, recall, and bonuses from holy symbols (just as you'd have with a coded deity). The gap is supplicated objects. There really isn't much point, from my perspective, to create new coded deities if we can support uncoded deities in this way.

Area support, the biggest difference between coded and not, is up to us all to work on.
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Re: A more diverse Elven pantheon

Post by Rordan » Thu Dec 07, 2017 10:50 pm

Seems more has gone on than I'm aware of! Then again, Inam very out of touch with the current everything.

Areia, good point about needing more followers needing to be im the current coded faiths, thats a big issue for all faiths I think.

Mele, I remember he list existed, but I was talking about strictly coded deities. It seems Harry hit that on the head though with the non-coded deity stuff going in, which will be awesome!

Thanks foe the replies guys!
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