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Hitching Posts and Hitch Command

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 5:29 pm
by Areia
I've seen this multiple times on Ask recently, where someone leaves a cart in a room with a hitching post and then cannot recover the cart because the post intercepts the actual 'hitch' command. I realize it would be rather tedious to go through and change every hitching post already extant, but I thought it worth bringing up for maybe a rainy day project and definitely for future builds. The hitching posts themselves are great little additions and save a fair bit of typing. It's just they can be a trouble for cart people.

Some ideas for intercepts alternative to 'hitch':
  • hitchmount <mount>
  • tie <mount>
  • tiedown <mount>
Thanks for reading! :)

Re: Hitching Posts and Hitch Command

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 6:14 pm
by Harroghty
I have a fix for this which will come live on most of them soon.