Merchants Guild

This forum contains bugs which the test team think are fixed are awaiting confirmation from the initial reporter of the bug.
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Sword Journeyman
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Merchants Guild

Post by Sithiel » Wed Jun 06, 2018 8:36 am

Character: Galath
Ok I am not sure if this is a bug, but according to quest log and the Merchant Guild Guildmaster, I am a member of the Guild, but I can neither trade good nor buy items from the storekeeper.


Office of the Guild Master
S-Merchants' Guil
A long couch covered with a panther skin is here against the eastern wall.
The opposite wall is hidden by tall bookcases filled to the brim with
trade record books and small trinkets of various origins. A wide oaken
desk with elaborate golden patterns sits near the northern wall. This
richly decorated place must be one of the offices of the Merchants' Guild
A guildmaster of the Merchants Guild is here.
The guildmaster says to you 'Greetings, fellow guild member.'
The guildmaster asks you 'Do you need information about our trade posts?'

qlog local
Quest Journal for Galath:
You are a member of the Merchants' Guild.

Tailor of the Merchants' Guild
E-Merchants' Guil
Comfortable-looking plush chairs are lined against the far wall of this
small room. Human-, dwarven-, and gnome-sized dummies covered with rich
clothes are set at regular intervals in the center of the room, in such a
way that would-be customers can easily wander around and examine them.
A simple wooden counter covered with a few torn clothes that needs being
repaired can be seen next to the exit.
A tailor of the Merchants Guild is here.
A citizen of Berdusk goes about her business here.
A citizen of Berdusk goes about his business here.
You are carrying:
take silver mon
You get 3 silver coins from a blue silk money pouch with a scale and coin symbol.
Item Price
1) a waterskin with a scale and coin symbol 2sp, 2cp
2) a white silk cap with a scale and coin symbol 4sp, 1cp
3) white silk slippers with a scale and coin symbol 4sp, 1cp
4) a white silk belt with a scale and coin symbol 1ep, 3sp, 4cp
5) white silk pants with a scale and coin symbol 1ep, 3sp, 4cp
6) white silk sleeves with a scale and coin symbol 1ep, 3sp, 4cp
7) a white silk cape with a scale and coin symbol 1gp, 2sp, 7cp
8) a white silk shirt with a scale and coin symbol 1gp, 2sp, 7cp
9) a white silk vest with a scale and coin symbol 1gp, 2sp, 7cp
10) a white silk money pouch with a scale and coin symb 3gp, 1sp, 5cp
11) a book - "Faerunian Traders' Lexicon" by Vibius 5pp, 4gp, 1ep, 1sp, 1cp
The tailor says to you 'Those clothes are only sold to the members'
The tailor says to you 'of the Merchants' Guild.'
You are carrying:
3 silver coins (superb)
buy waterskin
The tailor says to you 'Those clothes are only sold to the members'
The tailor says to you 'of the Merchants' Guild.
Sithiel Greenleaf, Moonlight Ranger
Nadaun, Beshaba's Bard
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Re: Merchants Guild

Post by Harroghty » Wed Jun 06, 2018 1:16 pm

The Merchant's Guild requires that members have their proof of membership (a ring, for example) in order to buy things.
"A man may die yet still endure if his work enters the greater work, for time is carried upon a current of forgotten deeds, and events of great moment are but the culmination of a single carefully placed thought." - Chime of Eons
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