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Bandits In Darkness

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 1:51 pm
by Nagillus
So it's come to my attention that bandit NPCs oft roam the roads in absolute darkness in which they cannot see at all. A nice change might be adding infinite torch/lantern items to these NPCs as equipment that they have constantly worn and that destroy themselves upon their wearer's death.

It doesn't really make sense why they'd be waiting in pitch blackness in a world where races with low light and dark vision exist and are common knowledge enough that road-bound criminals would prepare themselves for by way of keeping their surroundings lit. Not to mention the other creatures that lurk in the darkness, waiting for a night-blind highwayman to stumble into them.

Re: Bandits In Darkness

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 6:44 pm
by Harroghty
It's an interesting point. I think that there is a necessary bit of willing suspension of disbelief. Yes, it would be practical to take the possibility of orcs, etc. into account, but we're talking about NPCs that mindlessly attack level 50 paladins in gleaming harness in the same way they set upon level 8 warriors wearing underbritches. That seems a more immediate risk to their lifespan.

I guess my question in reply is, if they are thinking about their best practices for ambushes, why would they carry a light to make themselves more obvious in doing so?"

Re: Bandits In Darkness

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 8:13 pm
by Nagillus
It's true that they attack targets that are way out of their league and obviously so. That may be something that could be addressed, too, on a rainy day or likewise. Give them a few randomly stated lines when they spot someone of a high enough level and have them flee or something similar.

"I ain't touchin' that."

"Not worth it at all."

Honestly it kind of busts my immersion when I see one and get to attack them straight from the darkness and surprise them. It's not like they hide in wait, in actuality. They're more highwaymen than stealthy rogues. But, at the same time, you do have a point in that it's also worse immersion break when they attack someone who is obviously going to slaughter them.

Re: Bandits In Darkness

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 8:50 pm
by Harroghty
There are some bandit encounters which scale based upon the level of the PC, but I think applying that sort of reaction is something which requires more general input to accomplish. I mean, it's easy to do, but do people want it done?

We could:
  • (A) change all bandits to be more realistic on their own
  • (B) make bandit encounters more variable (i.e. a level 50 PC would find level-appropriate threats on the road, so would a level 10 PC)
  • (C) do nothing

Re: Bandits In Darkness

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 11:01 pm
by Benorf
I'd personally vote for option C. I think the bandits have changed significantly since I've begun. I really like the way they are. What sort of person capable of threatening a high level adventurer would turn to banditry? Adventuring is way more profitable and safer, compared to fighting other adventurers.

Re: Bandits In Darkness

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 12:39 pm
by hasryn
I'd concur with Benorf. The bandits in the more...lets say legacy areas should stay as they are but maybe going forward for more regions as the world expands become variable. A lot of travelling for certain classes at low levels is required and this would make it next to impossible for some to get from point a to point be if they cannot find the appropriate help. There isn't always someone on to give aid when some players well play. We have a pbase from all over the world to take into account as well. Immersion is a big thing, but also some things should be taken into account like this.

Re: Bandits In Darkness

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 3:04 am
by Gwain
I'd agree with option C. Bandits are filthy peasant thugs that plague the roads. If they miss you at night it's probably a blessing in disguise for both parties.

Re: Bandits In Darkness

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 12:23 am
by Grenwyn
I do like Nagillus' idea of having bandits sometimes flee from high-level players with a voice line. That's a nice touch, but they do drop some important components and scalps can be quest items.

Can they be coded to "surrender" to high-level players instead, dropping what they carry and falling to stunned? Then they could either be turned-in (by good players) or killed anyway (by evil players).

Just an idea for flavor!