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Sonnlinor Rogni Raudskegr Loses his Challenge to Dame Elisabeth Marshall of Tyr

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 6:50 pm
by Harroghty





53526 - The Long Road
N-Darkness 53424 E-Darkness 53527 S-North Gate8799 W-Plains 53525
NE-Darkness 53425NW-Darkness 53423SW-Darkness 53627 Other exits:Waterdeep
This is one of the many roads that winds its way across the kingdoms.
It is mostly in good repair though you occasionally come across soft
spots in the road that could use some work.
The sky is rainy and a cool northern breeze blows.
Aoife walks in from the south.
Cenrega walks in from the south.
Lightning flashes in the sky.
53525 - Plains
N-Darkness 53423 E-The Long 53526 S-Darkness 53627 W-Darkness 53524
NE-Darkness 53424NW-Darkness 53422SW-Darkness 53626
Grass covers the plains like a thick carpet might cover a nobles floor.
Few trees dot the landscape and as such building made of wood are not.
an option in this region.
The sky is warm and stormy and a cool northern breeze blows.
(90) Some salt lies here. (perfect)
Rogni is standing at the center of a thirty-by-thirty foot squared ring of salt.
Elisabeth is standing here.
Aoife walks in from the east.
Cenrega walks in from the east.
Elisabeth raises an eyebrow.
Elisabeth glances at Aoife.
Elisabeth glances at Cenrega.
Elisabeth looks at you.
Harroghty looks up to the stormy sky as they enter and says, 'Weather of import.'.
Aoife lifts her chin to both Elisabeth and Rogni.
Elisabeth replies, 'More like the Destroyer's discordant fury. Fitting, I suppose.' She loosk, again, over the approached trio and asks, 'We are to make this a game of sport, then?'.
Elisabeth looks at Aoife.
Rogni says nothing, his face unchanging. His eyes do not leave Elisabeth, and his hands remain on his hammer's haft.
Elisabeth looks at Cenrega.
Harroghty's brow furrows slightly and he replies, 'Peace be upon you, Dame Elisabeth.' He looks to Rogni, then back to Elisabeth. 'I was asked a moment ago to observe, and so brought with me those I stood beside.'.
Cenrega dips his head to Elisabeth and then Rogni, but remains silent as he then glances at you and then back to Elisabeth.
Aoife nods once, then explains to Elisabeth, 'Rogni asked me here as a witness. I dinnae see where the sport is in somethin' as sombre as I see this.'.
Cenrega says to Elisabeth 'I was asked to accompany and witness by Sir Harroghty but I will leave if you wish. I can also offer healing services if the two parties wish it..but that can be done after the...event. I do not need to witness it.'
Elisabeth affords a slight nod of her own, saying, 'Let it be known that I find observance inappropriate and unwelcome. The gods are the only whose judgement matters. But so be it.' She looks to Rogni. 'Shall we finally put this jest behind us, then?'.
Elisabeth stops using a golden chain vine with glowing flowers.
Elisabeth places a windwalker amulet loosely around her neck.
Elisabeth gets a nimble falchion with a generous clip point and a swept guard from a gold-chased, leather-wrapped scabbard hung upon a thick sword belt.
Elisabeth holds a nimble falchion with a generous clip point and a swept guard in both of her hands.
Elisabeth levels a great falchion's spine straight before her visage, uttering words of old power...
Elisabeth makes sparks of lightning surround a nimble falchion with a generous clip point and a swept guard!
Cenrega quietly says aside to you 'I will wait at the city gates. If I am needed please let me know and I will be happy to help.' , then smiles at you and turns to the south.
Cenrega stops following you.
Cenrega walks south.
Rogni speaks gravely thus, 'If it is the Gods' judgement you seek, I lift th'Voice of a Sonnlinor in agreeement, and without humor.' He says plainly, 'What proceeds is as instructed ta me by Sir Stigr Brandt a challenge on ya honor, for th'mistreatment of my kin in a City of Laws.'.
Rogni says to Elisabeth 'I will acquit myself honorably in combat and afterwards, and so too will my witnesses -- but for your comfort, and my grace, say it again and this good man and woman will be bid to leave.'
Harroghty glances at Aoife and then looks back to Elisabeth and Rogni.
Elisabeth intones a short prayer, an angry argent glow lights her sword's long and curving blade. 'Alas, but grace would have been to approach me in person, without lies and without shame to hide behind your parchment and your diplomat, without the need to stroke your pride by having your name on the lips of all across the realms.' She concludes, 'I see no reason to repeat myself.'.
Rogni motions with his hand. 'No one is hiding now,' he says. 'Are you prepared for battle?'.
Aoife's eyebrows quirk very slightly, her face otherwise expressionless.
Elisabeth nods to Rogni. 'Yes.' With that, she begins to call upon her god's grace, her figure touched by a faint protective glow from helm to sabaton...
Elisabeth begins to chant.
You guess Elisabeth is casting death ward.
Elisabeth utters the words, 'death ward'.
A ward against deadly harm suddenly glows around Elisabeth.
Rogni approaches Elisabeth and prepares to engage her in combat!
Elisabeth's slash minces Rogni's right arm.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash skillfully shreds Rogni's chest.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Rogni ducks under Elisabeth's slashing attack.
Elisabeth's eyes flare with seething holy rage...
Rogni ducks under Elisabeth's slashing attack.
Elisabeth evades Rogni's crushing attack.
Elisabeth begins to chant.
You guess Elisabeth is casting righteous fury.
Elisabeth utters the words, 'righteous fury'.
Elisabeth roars as she is inspired by righteous fury.
Rogni begins to chant.
You guess Rogni is casting stone skin.
Rogni utters the words, 'stone skin'.
Rogni's skin hardens to a malleable stone.
Elisabeth begins to chant.
You guess Elisabeth is casting divine favor.
Elisabeth utters the words, 'divine favor'.
Elisabeth's weapon arm glows for a second.
Rogni begins to chant.
You guess Rogni is casting divine power.
Rogni utters the words, 'divine power'.
Rogni's face takes on a fanatical cast as his deity's power fills him.
With a bonecrunching sound Rogni's crush violently smashes Elisabeth's chest.
Rogni begins to chant.
You guess Rogni is casting shield of faith.
Rogni utters the words, 'shield of faith'.
Rogni is suddenly surrounded with a divine aura of protection.
Elisabeth's slash tears open Rogni's right arm.
Elisabeth's slash tears open Rogni's left leg.
Rogni ducks under Elisabeth's slashing attack.
Rogni ducks under Elisabeth's slashing attack.
Rogni begins to chant.
You guess Rogni is casting dispel magic.
Rogni utters the words, 'dispel magic'.
Elisabeth resists some of Rogni's attempt to dispel his magic.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash shreds Rogni's chest.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash violently shreds Rogni's left leg.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash violently shreds Rogni's chest.
Rogni ducks under Elisabeth's slashing attack.
Rogni's crush shreds Elisabeth's left arm.
Rogni's crush shreds Elisabeth's left arm.
Elisabeth begins to chant.
You guess Elisabeth is casting resilience.
Elisabeth utters the words, 'resilience'.
Elisabeth grows resilient.
With a bonecrunching sound Rogni's crush skillfully smashes Elisabeth's abdomen.
Elisabeth evades Rogni's crushing attack.
Elisabeth begins to chant.
You guess Elisabeth is casting righteous fury.
Elisabeth utters the words, 'righteous fury'.
Elisabeth roars as she is inspired by righteous fury.
Rogni begins to chant.
You guess Rogni is casting freedom of movement.
Rogni utters the words, 'freedom of movement'.
Rogni's movements are more fluid.
Elisabeth begins to chant.
You guess Elisabeth is casting dispel magic.
Elisabeth utters the words, 'dispel magic'.
Rogni resists some of Elisabeth's attempt to dispel her magic.
Rogni begins to chant.
You guess Rogni is casting dispel magic.
Rogni utters the words, 'dispel magic'.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash deftly shreds Rogni's chest.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Elisabeth's slash lacerates Rogni's right leg.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Rogni ducks under Elisabeth's slashing attack.
Elisabeth's slash lacerates Rogni's left leg.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Rogni begins to chant.
You guess Rogni is casting stone skin.
Rogni utters the words, 'stone skin'.
Rogni's skin hardens to a malleable stone.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash deftly shreds Rogni's abdomen.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash violently shreds Rogni's head.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash shreds Rogni's chest.
Rogni ducks under Elisabeth's slashing attack.
Rogni begins to chant.
You guess Rogni is casting heal.
Rogni utters the words, 'heal'.
Rogni is filled with regenerative positive energy!
Elisabeth evades Rogni's crushing attack.
Elisabeth disarms Rogni!
Rogni begins to chant.
You guess Rogni is casting heal.
Rogni utters the words, 'heal'.
Rogni is filled with regenerative positive energy!
Elisabeth's slash minces Rogni's left arm.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash shreds Rogni's chest.
Rogni ducks under Elisabeth's slashing attack.
Rogni ducks under Elisabeth's slashing attack.
Rogni begins to chant.
You guess Rogni is casting shield of faith.
Rogni utters the words, 'shield of faith'.
Rogni is suddenly surrounded with a divine aura of protection.
Elisabeth's slash tears open Rogni's abdomen.
Elisabeth's slash tears a gaping wound into Rogni's right arm.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash deftly shreds Rogni's abdomen.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash shreds Rogni's chest.
Rogni begins to chant.
You guess Rogni is casting divine power.
Rogni utters the words, 'divine power'.
Rogni's face takes on a fanatical cast as his deity's power fills him.
Elisabeth begins to chant.
You guess Elisabeth is casting dispel magic.
Elisabeth utters the words, 'dispel magic'.
Rogni resists some of Elisabeth's attempt to dispel her magic.
Rogni gets a mithril dwarven urgrosh with a wrapped handle from a white leather harness stamped with a rampant mountain ram.
Rogni holds a mithril dwarven urgrosh with a wrapped handle in both of his hands.
Elisabeth ducks under Rogni's slashing attack.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash deftly shreds Rogni's chest.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash deftly shreds Rogni's chest.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Rogni ducks under Elisabeth's slashing attack.
Rogni ducks under Elisabeth's slashing attack.
With a sickening sound Rogni's slash violently shreds Elisabeth's right leg.
Elisabeth ducks under Rogni's slashing attack.
Elisabeth ducks under Rogni's slashing attack.
Rogni ducks under Elisabeth's slashing attack.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash deftly shreds Rogni's chest.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Rogni ducks under Elisabeth's slashing attack.
Rogni ducks under Elisabeth's slashing attack.
Rogni begins to chant.
You guess Rogni is casting divine power.
Rogni utters the words, 'divine power'.
Rogni's face takes on a fanatical cast as his deity's power fills him.
Elisabeth's slash lacerates Rogni's head.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Elisabeth's slash lacerates Rogni's head.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Rogni ducks under Elisabeth's slashing attack.
Rogni ducks under Elisabeth's slashing attack.
Rogni begins to chant.
You guess Rogni is casting heal.
Rogni utters the words, 'heal'.
Rogni is filled with regenerative positive energy!
Elisabeth begins to chant.
You guess Elisabeth is casting divine favor.
Elisabeth utters the words, 'divine favor'.
Elisabeth's weapon arm glows for a second.
Rogni begins to chant.
You guess Rogni is casting divine favor.
Rogni utters the words, 'divine favor'.
Rogni's weapon arm glows for a second.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash deftly shreds Rogni's chest.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Elisabeth's slash lacerates Rogni's left arm.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash violently shreds Rogni's abdomen.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Rogni ducks under Elisabeth's slashing attack.
Elisabeth ducks under Rogni's slashing attack.
Elisabeth ducks under Rogni's slashing attack.
Elisabeth's slash minces Rogni's right arm.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
You hear the howl of a wild animal nearby.
Elisabeth's slash lacerates Rogni's right arm.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash violently shreds Rogni's abdomen.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Rogni ducks under Elisabeth's slashing attack.
With a sickening sound Rogni's slash shreds Elisabeth's chest.
Elisabeth ducks under Rogni's slashing attack.
Elisabeth ducks under Rogni's slashing attack.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash deftly shreds Rogni's chest.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Elisabeth's slash lacerates Rogni's left leg.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash violently shreds Rogni's chest.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash deftly shreds Rogni's chest.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Rogni begins to chant.
You guess Rogni is casting heal.
Rogni utters the words, 'heal'.
Rogni is filled with regenerative positive energy!
Elisabeth's slash lacerates Rogni's right arm.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Elisabeth's slash lacerates Rogni's left leg.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Rogni ducks under Elisabeth's slashing attack.
Elisabeth's slash lacerates Rogni's head.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Rogni begins to chant.
You guess Rogni is casting heal.
Rogni utters the words, 'heal'.
Rogni is filled with regenerative positive energy!
Elisabeth's slash lacerates Rogni's right arm.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash deftly shreds Rogni's chest.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Rogni ducks under Elisabeth's slashing attack.
Elisabeth's slash lacerates Rogni's right leg.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Rogni begins to chant.
You guess Rogni is casting stone skin.
Rogni utters the words, 'stone skin'.
Rogni's skin hardens to a malleable stone.
Elisabeth begins to chant.
You guess Elisabeth is casting dispel magic.
Elisabeth utters the words, 'dispel magic'.
Rogni resists some of Elisabeth's attempt to dispel her magic.
Rogni begins to chant.
You guess Rogni is casting heal.
Rogni utters the words, 'heal'.
Rogni is filled with regenerative positive energy!
Elisabeth's slash minces Rogni's right leg.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash deftly shreds Rogni's chest.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Elisabeth's slash lacerates Rogni's left arm.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Elisabeth's slash lacerates Rogni's left arm.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Rogni's slash lacerates Elisabeth's head.
Elisabeth ducks under Rogni's slashing attack.
Elisabeth ducks under Rogni's slashing attack.
Elisabeth's slash lacerates Rogni's right leg.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Elisabeth's slash tears open Rogni's chest.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Elisabeth's slash minces Rogni's head.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash deftly shreds Rogni's chest.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Rogni begins to chant.
You guess Rogni is casting heal.
Rogni utters the words, 'heal'.
Rogni is filled with regenerative positive energy!
Rogni ducks under Elisabeth's slashing attack.
Rogni ducks under Elisabeth's slashing attack.
Elisabeth's slash minces Rogni's right arm.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Elisabeth's slash minces Rogni's left arm.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Rogni begins to chant.
You guess Rogni is casting heal.
Rogni utters the words, 'heal'.
A vial of blessed water glows briefly, then disappears in a puff of smoke!
Rogni is filled with regenerative positive energy!
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash deftly shreds Rogni's chest.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Rogni ducks under Elisabeth's slashing attack.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash deftly shreds Rogni's chest.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Rogni ducks under Elisabeth's slashing attack.
Rogni begins to chant.
You guess Rogni is casting heal.
Rogni utters the words, 'heal'.
Rogni is filled with regenerative positive energy!
Elisabeth's slash tears open Rogni's chest.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash deftly shreds Rogni's chest.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Elisabeth's slash lacerates Rogni's right leg.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Rogni begins to chant.
You guess Rogni is casting stone skin.
Rogni utters the words, 'stone skin'.
Rogni's skin hardens to a malleable stone.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash skillfully shreds Rogni's chest.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash deftly shreds Rogni's chest.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash skillfully shreds Rogni's chest.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash violently shreds Rogni's left leg.
Rogni begins to chant.
You guess Rogni is casting heal.
Rogni utters the words, 'heal'.
Rogni is filled with regenerative positive energy!
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash shreds Rogni's chest.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash skillfully shreds Rogni's abdomen.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash violently shreds Rogni's chest.
Rogni ducks under Elisabeth's slashing attack.
Rogni begins to chant.
You guess Rogni is casting heal.
Rogni utters the words, 'heal'.
Rogni is filled with regenerative positive energy!
Elisabeth begins to chant.
You guess Elisabeth is casting dispel magic.
Elisabeth utters the words, 'dispel magic'.
Rogni resists some of Elisabeth's attempt to dispel her magic.
Rogni's slash lacerates Elisabeth's right leg.
Elisabeth ducks under Rogni's slashing attack.
Elisabeth ducks under Rogni's slashing attack.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash skillfully shreds Rogni's chest.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash skillfully shreds Rogni's chest.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash violently shreds Rogni's abdomen.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Elisabeth's slash tears open Rogni's chest.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash violently shreds Rogni's abdomen.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Elisabeth's slash lacerates Rogni's head.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Elisabeth's slash lacerates Rogni's abdomen.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Rogni ducks under Elisabeth's slashing attack.
Rogni begins to chant.
You guess Rogni is casting heal.
Rogni utters the words, 'heal'.
Rogni utters the words, 'heal'.
Rogni is filled with regenerative positive energy!
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash skillfully shreds Rogni's chest.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash violently shreds Rogni's abdomen.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Elisabeth's slash tears open Rogni's chest.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Elisabeth's slash lacerates Rogni's right leg.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Rogni begins to chant.
You guess Rogni is casting heal.
Rogni utters the words, 'heal'.
Rogni is filled with regenerative positive energy!
Elisabeth's slash tears open Rogni's chest.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Elisabeth's slash lacerates Rogni's left leg.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Rogni ducks under Elisabeth's slashing attack.
Elisabeth's slash lacerates Rogni's left arm.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
With a sickening sound Rogni's slash deftly shreds Elisabeth's abdomen.
Elisabeth's slash lacerates Rogni's left arm.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash deftly shreds Rogni's chest.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash violently shreds Rogni's abdomen.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash deftly shreds Rogni's chest.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Rogni begins to chant.
You guess Rogni is casting shield.
Rogni utters the words, 'shield'.
A force shield of shimmering blue surrounds Rogni.
Elisabeth's slash lacerates Rogni's right arm.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
With a sickening sound Elisabeth's slash violently shreds Rogni's abdomen.
A jolt of lightning arcs from Elisabeth's falchion and shocks Rogni.
Rogni is stunned, but will probably recover.
Elisabeth quenches the sparks of lightning surrounding a nimble falchion with a generous clip point and a swept guard.
You aid Rogni!
Rogni comes to and stands.
Rogni helps himself up with your aid, and leans hard on the butt of his polearm.
Elisabeth does not pause to lift a hand to her breast, its fingers coming to light with an uncomfortably bright, though brief glow as her wounds knit closed a little bit. She looks down over Rogni and asks, 'Satisfied?'.
Elisabeth lays healing hands on Elisabeth.
Rogni bows his head, humbled, and says, 'I am.' He looks to you and Aoife, and says plainly, 'Let it be known that I relent, and cede dishonor on my cousin's name -- proclaimed here, and shortly across the realms in th'same fashion I called th'challenge.'.
Aoife nods once to Rogni, 'Ye've conducted yerself with honour, and I know ye'll continue to do so.'.
Elisabeth's sword only then lowers from a readied guard and she nods once, saying a seemingly genuine, 'Gratitude.' She slides the holy weapon away and looks to you and Aoife.
Elisabeth stops using a nimble falchion with a generous clip point and a swept guard.
Elisabeth sheathes a nimble falchion with a generous clip point and a swept guard in a gold-chased, leather-wrapped scabbard hung upon a thick sword belt.
Rogni looks back to Elisabeth and lifts his chin. 'Ya have earned forgiveness his slayin', and I give it ta ya willingly this day,' he proclaims. 'What integrity ya displayed were ya own choice, an' I leave ya now ta reflect upon it.' With that, he gathers his hammer from the ground, and departs.
Rogni gets a soulhammer.
Rogni walks south.
Harroghty looks after the dwarf briefly, then back to Elisabeth. He pauses a breath before saying, 'That's done then.'.
Aoife's eyebrows quirk a little and she lets out a held breath, 'Aye.'.
Elisabeth replies, a hint though only a hint of bitterness once more touching her tone as she says, 'Glory be. Ah, but only until another decides to stand up for the name of this one, too, hm? And the next to stand for that one.' She dips her chin before you and Aoife and says, as if by way of parting, 'Sir Harroghty, Aoife.'.
Aoife tsks against her teeth, 'If ye think that, ye've no' understood any of it.'.
Harroghty's brow furrows slightly, but whatever he might have said does not pass his lips once Aoife's spoken.
Aoife nods once and claps you on the shoulder.
Aoife walks east.
Elisabeth looks at you.
Elisabeth's features show a flicker of what might well be pain as she walks Reginald, a pure white Cormyrean destrier back toward the road, though it is quickly beaten back as she spots your return. She halts Reginald, a pure white Cormyrean destrier to remark quietly, 'I took up these spurs to help people unjustly treated, not to make a name for myself upon allied blood spilled at my hand. This is honor, then?'.
Harroghty's brow smoothes slightly and he replies only, 'Dame Elisabeth, welcome to the messy world of judgment, justice, and the law.'.
Elisabeth cannot seem to hold back the pained expression any longer at your reply. It shows clear upon her features, features seeming all-too youthful in that moment, as she shakes her head and answers, 'Fare you well.' and nudges Reginald, a pure white Cormyrean destrier's lightly onward.
Elisabeth rides south upon Reginald, a pure white Cormyrean destrier.

Re: Sonnlinor Rogni Raudskegr's Challenge of Dame Elisabeth Marshall

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 7:05 pm
by Hrosskell

You get some salt from a squat, stylized mithral lockbox on a thin leather belt.
Rogni holds his hand up to his eyes and surveys the lay of the land for a long moment in moonlight. He kneels, and touches the ground with one hand, and says, 'This is th'land.'.
Your pulse returns to normal.

Rogni rises, and produces a small bag of salt from his clerical lockbox. He begins to pace with a precision only dwarves can muster on the ground, thirty feet by thirty more, trailing salt as he goes. He lifts his voice aloud, 'Father of Dwarves, King of Our Kings, hear my prayer. Hallow this ground that your servant fell on, and make it apart from the rest of the earth.'.

Rogni continues as he paces, salt trailing, 'On this ground I cry Holy, and hope what comes ta pass is succor to your grief--for we know You grieve when we do wicked, and when we die.'.

Rogni completes the square of salt, and moves to the center of it. 'I pray for strength, but so too for kindness. I pray for th'stern love'f a Father, an' his unendin' support. I pray for many a things, but most importantly I pray in Your Name, Moradin.'.

You drop some salt.

Rogni is standing at the center of a thirty-by-thirty foot squared ring of salt.

The earth rumbles some dim approval.

You tell Elisabeth 'I await ya on th'ground where ya put ta death my kin, and so issue forth my challenge again: Meet me here for combat on your honor. I will have neutral judge ta keep honest me own justice, an' one witness ta th'truth that is told. I encourage ya ta th'same benefit.'
Elisabeth tells you 'You bring your own judge and call it neutral? I think not.'
You reply to Elisabeth 'Then refuse Sir Harroghty Rallyhorn yourself. I will speak no more, at risk of sullying this occasion.'

---- Time, as it will, passes ----
Elisabeth rides past briefly only to settle her mount before turning about to approach you. 'Master Rogni.' She pauses. 'And pray tell, where is your 'judge'?' She glances about the spot.

Rogni motions around him with the same hand. 'I came ahead of him and my witness,' he says, 'ta make my gestures ta th'Father.' He pauses, then asks, 'Do you want no witness for yourself?'.

Elisabeth shakes her head once, curtly, saying, 'Blind Tyr sees all, and His is the only relevant judgement.'.

Elisabeth looks at you.

Rogni frowns at Elisabeth, but does not speak and the expression fades as he folds his hands back at the pommel of the blunted warhammer. He waits then in silence, face cast as if stone -- bereft of expression, dumb of the light of spirit.
Rogni withdraws from the field of battle without tending his injuries; he makes for the Temple of Moradin on Mount Waterdeep AFTER:

Rogni approaches the anvil with a tepid, shambling gait. When it is within his clouded, bloodied eyes he throws himself at its mercy, to the ground before it; his hammer rings not as it clatters across its face, and there remains.
You kneel down.
You drop a soulhammer.

Rogni manages, somehow, solemnly, 'I invited ya Judgement, Lord'a th'Forge, an' so I now accept it. Twice-shamed by the Clan of Burnt Beards, I submit th'Hammer of Your Favor until I have made penance ta be worthy'f it again.'.
Your force shield shimmers then fades away.

Rogni lowers himself further, not only beard but chest pressed to the ground before the anvil. 'All for honor,' he says quietly. 'As is due the Greatest of All Dwarves. As is due my kin, though they may ne'er know it, an' e'en then appreciate it little. I accept.'.
And there he remains, recovering and meditating on the trial of penance before him.

Re: Sonnlinor Rogni Raudskegr Loses his Challenge to Dame Elisabeth Marshall of Tyr

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 7:36 pm
by Elisabeth
Also immediately following her own departure:
The Shrine of Tyr the Just
A simple wooden altar is upon a dais here. (perfect)
The holy hammer of Tyr hangs on the wall here. (perfect)
You feel a sense of closeness with the Lord of Justice in this place.
You close the set of great wooden doors with golden studs.
You kneel at a simple wooden altar.
You stop using a gleaming helmet embossed with a hammer and scales.
Elisabeth promptly falls to both knees before the austere shrine, bloodied helm doffed and dropped to clatter onto the marble floor. She drops her chin, face falling into gauntlet's fine soles.
Elisabeth simply keeps there, silent and mourning. Inwardly, her prayers go out to her god but with little if any expectation of answer, the anger she had raised to hide her truest feelings falling quite away to bear only her sorrow in the shrine's solemn solitude.