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Sweetheart's Fashion Contest

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 12:22 am
by Enig
In preparation for the sunite Sweetheart's Ball the church of Waukeen is going to be hosting a fashion show, so dust off your silks and closet your spikes and steel for a day of celebrating the work of clothiers and tailors (this is officialy a celebration of 'Great Weave', a festival to honour cloth-makers). Come in all your sweetheart-themed outfits and square off against one another for fabulous prizes! The event will be fully catered by the churches of Waukeen and Sune and will be held in the ballroom of the Temple of Beauty in Waterdeep on the following day: ... 0190218T01

This'll be taking place six hours after the elven gathering, so hopefully there won't be any conflicts. Although it's intended to be a relaxed gathering it's still a contest and the contestant whose outfit is deemed most fashionable will walk away with a prize of fifty potions of eagle's splendour, to make your outfit that little bit more sparkling!

The rules are simple: Come in an outfit made primarily of cloth (some soft leather is acceptable, full studded leather with spikes isn't) and show it off by walking the dread gauntlet known as the catwalk. There'll be an improvised aisle for the contestants to walk down and show off their outfit from all angles. Good luck, and thanks to everyone who shows up!