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The Great Mother by Pepe isn't for sale

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2019 7:42 pm
by George
I was going to buy a few copies of The Great Mother to hand out in packs for young/new adventurers, but now I see the hermit isn't selling it even though he's carrying it.



l hermit
A middle-aged man with a rough, long red beard with bits of twigs and
leaves therein. He appears to be rather jovial and kind, with a number of
laughlines around his eyes and mouth. He whistles a tune to himself.

A Chauntean hermit is in perfect health.
a Chauntean hermit is using:
<worn on body> a yellow homespun robe embroidered with a red rose (perfect)
<worn on feet> yellow homespun slippers (perfect)
<both hands> a thick yellow-painted wooden quarterstaff (perfect)
You peek at the inventory:
3 gold coins (superb)
a electrum coin (superb)
4 silver coins (superb)
8 copper coins (superb)
some saffron seed (perfect)
an earthstone (perfect)
a wooden banjo trimmed with yellow (perfect)
a book - "Red Roses by Pepe" (perfect)
a thick yellow-painted wooden quarterstaff (perfect)
a book - "The Great Mother" by Pepe (perfect)

You say 'I'd like to buy The Great Mother'

Item Price
1) a thick yellow-painted wooden quarterstaff 1gp, 1sp, 6cp
2) an earthstone 2pp, 2sp
3) some saffron seed 2pp, 2gp, 1ep, 1sp, 3cp
4) a wooden banjo trimmed with yellow 3pp, 6cp
5) a book - "Red Roses by Pepe" 4pp, 4gp, 3sp, 2cp

buy mother
A Chauntean hermit says to you 'I do not sell that item'

buy great
A Chauntean hermit says to you 'I do not sell that item'


Re: The Great Mother by Pepe isn't for sale

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2019 8:37 pm
by Harroghty
He isn't supposed to sell that. It's just in his inventory (someone gave it to him?).

I added it to his resets. It will be for sale there after the next game update.

Re: The Great Mother by Pepe isn't for sale

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2019 10:38 pm
by Lirith
He’s not supposed to sell the book, if I remember correctly you need to find the book to answer his questions.

Re: The Great Mother by Pepe isn't for sale

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2019 12:41 am
by George
Oh, great! Thank you very much! :D connor mccloud

Re: The Great Mother by Pepe isn't for sale

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 6:46 pm
by Harroghty
Okay, yes. Book doesn't need to be sold here. Thanks!