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Spellbooks and casting in combat

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 5:53 pm
by Timaeus
With all the effort the Immortals put into creating all those unique spellbooks they are most often never held because if a wizard uses a weapon and spellbook they can not cast spells in combat. With all these spellbooks floating around it would be nice if a wizard could actually hold them instead of leaving them in the vague inventory where they are not seen by other players and are actually a target for a thief to steal.

Shields are coded to be allowed to be worn and still cast spells could the same be done for the spellbooks?

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 9:14 pm
by Elenthis
Excellent idea Timaeus. I have only seen a few of the awsome spellbooks about, and I think that would make a lot more RP sense and fun :)

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:28 pm
by Fayona
Very very good idea! Fay use to carry around her spellbook because not many people had that one and she liked to show it off. I think its really cool how much time the Imms put into coding in all the neat little designs and such.

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 3:17 am
by Tandria
Yes! I agree! Was thinking that myself a few times, actually. Great idea, Timaeus :).

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 6:51 pm
by Aegin
*thumbs through his spellbook quickly*

Where was that fireball spell? I know it's in here somewhere!

*as the orc horde overruns him*

Wait! I'm not ready!


yeah, that would be bad, methinks

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 9:51 pm
by Telk
I like the idea, but what about spell components? Would you be able to reach into your spellpouch to get a component with one hand holding a spellbook and the other a weapon? Would there be a way to possibly code being able to cast with a spellbook and weapon yet not being able to cast if the spell needs a component?

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 10:02 pm
by Gratey
Well, If you wish to write a spell in you will have to take the effort of getting the spell book and writing it in....I also think you should have to have a quill to write it in to make it more RP wise.....But the floating spellbook Idea is GREAT! Good idea Timaeus

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 5:50 pm
by Cyric
Not sure if I like this idea as much.

If a mage releases his grip on a spellbook in order to snag that spell component, shouldn't the rogue get a chance to snag that book while the wizard isn't looking? Technically, the wizard isn't holding it -- He's using one hand for spell casting and the other for stabbity-ing.

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 6:14 pm
by Mele
Well, maybe that could be a flaw to it. No one is asking it be made you HAVE to wear it, but just that you be ABLE to, since imms made such pretty little books. :)


Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 12:34 pm
by Tychina
With all these spellbooks floating around it would be nice if a wizard could actually hold them instead of leaving them in the vague inventory where they are not seen by other players and are actually a target for a thief to steal.
Just wanted to point out, that the statement that no one see's them is in error. Those same thieves you are worried will steal your precious precious books, can easily see them. :wink:

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 6:02 pm
by Lysha
Hmmm....maybe after someone traine Still Spell (or however it is worded) they can then hold their books and no worries. ^-^;; Just throwing in my thought.

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 9:05 pm
by Courakil
The thieves worry is really mot too much of a problem, the wizard just tempoarily sheathes their weapon, pulls out the ingredient, and ..bam! spell. What could be interesting on the same token is an armoured spellbook that could be used as a shield as well. Think about it, it could be fun, though dangerous. If it's just an asthetic decision though, you could make it so they could attach it to a belt or something.

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 4:46 am
by Rotha
Basically, you want people to see your spellbook when they look at you, but it still needs to make sense... if both your hands are full, it doesn't make sense that you can do somatic and material components. Besides, spellbooks are HEAVY. I think it would be near impossible to fight at all unless it was in a backpack. I think the best you could do (at least for realism) is either make your spellbook float somehow (the flashy way :)) or just make sure to stow the book in your pack and whip it out at every occasion (thus showing it off). I did also think that maybe you could wear it somewhere other than in your hands... but unless you have a really, really thin spellbook, it wouldn't make a lot of sense...

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 6:40 am
by Telk
What about a spell that could be cast on various items to make them float?

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 9:54 am
by Pakur
In most of the FR novels i've read, mages don't hold their spellbooks all of the time. They have them stashed away in their bags. The spells that they need or use most are memorized, their spellbook safe in a spellguarded satchel at their waist or in a pack. I've also never read of a mage casting a spell that required a component, holding his spellbook in hand, and wielding a weapon all at the same time. It just seems very unrealistic. As for the floating spellbook idea, any character could ICly snatch it out of midair, providing there aren't any magical traps on it. I believe the system works very well right now.

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 7:48 pm
by Gwain
I could see spells of small powere requiring only memorization, but greater spells and feats that coraspond with those spells might require a book of magic to act like a conduit. Magic is power so I've always considered a spell book as a grounding for the use of the weave. In essence it controls and conducts the magic for the spellcaster. The more powerful the magic the more a spellcaster would need a book to channel through.

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 8:32 pm
by Isolrem
I like the idea. A free hand to cast spells should not be interfered with something such as a spellbook. And certainly prevention of thievery is a factor.

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 8:37 pm
by Isolrem
Rotha wrote:... Besides, spellbooks are HEAVY. ...
Spellsbooks are one pound, the weight of light grocery, considering even mages in the game normally have good strength at least...

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 11:42 pm
by Telk
Isolrem, the 1 pound is just for code, ICly a spellbook is a huge tome, or a small one depending on how many spells the wizard knows that will most likely be heavy.

Edit: Didn't mean JUST for code, I could see a 1 pound spellbook, excuse my stupidness ;) I was just saying I believe the majority of them are indeed heavy, and the code can't distinguish that.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 1:25 am
by Isolrem
Ah yes, a huge tome would change matters... :)