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Detect alignment spells

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 1:49 am
by Indrayan
I'd like to suggest we remove these from the game. For an RP heavy game such as ours these abilities kill RP without any character being able to defend themselves. I feel like it's abuse hinders the game more then helps it, specially when knowledge seems to be spread OOC

Re: Detect alignment spells

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 5:30 am
by Amethyst
I'd just want to offer the counterpoint, that there are ways to defend against the detect alignment spells.

Although of course, no information should ever be spread OOC, including what is learned from said spells.

Re: Detect alignment spells

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 12:24 pm
by Mers
What difficulties are youfinding these spells cause you? I play a chaotic character who is probably more evil than most black tagged evil chars as well as a bunch of chaotic evils for a number of years with little issue.

I'd like to help resolve if I can.

Re: Detect alignment spells

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 3:52 pm
by Lorelie
I've never once had anyone tell me OOC 'So and so is evil.' And even then, in the last year I have only seen two people outed.

I'm not seeing how anything is being hindered in the game, perhaps someone can offer an example?

Re: Detect alignment spells

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 1:38 am
by Arcolin
So, I've been a paladin for a while now... I'll add my two cents, for whatever it's worth.

Paladins have a long-standing tradition in D&D and in fantasy literature in general of being able to detect evil at will. So it makes sense to have it. I do not abuse it, and I have not seen anyone else do so. Not to say it's never been abused, but never that I've witnessed.

Mounts - I assume the same is true of all paladin mounts, but mine at least appears to be coded to shy away from people who are evil. There is nothing I can do about it, and I have explained ICly to some people (like Arcolin's wife) that he responds like that to people who have darkness in them. Is that outing evils? I don't think it is, especially since people are bound to draw that conclusion when they only see him act that way around people who are evil.

Also, some people who are not paladins or clergy at all have items that can help them detect evil. Contrary to the idea of it breaking roleplay, I think it aids their roleplay, especially those who play characters who do not wish to associate with those of evil faiths.

The idea that because someone decided to play an evil character, the rest of the players should have to be willing to aid them in doing so is not one that I think much of. If you want to be evil, and to deceive people, or to force them to find out strictly through RP that you are evil, then find a way to conceal it. There are ways.

I agree entirely that information of that nature should not be given out OOCly, and I have never seen that happen.

Re: Detect alignment spells

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 3:08 am
by Ralthasar

Re: Detect alignment spells

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 9:38 pm
by Indrayan
Just because you haven't done this doesn't mean it isn't done. I believe that since Forgotten Kingdoms is such a Roleplay heavy game that something along the lines of these spells drastically reduce it in some instances. I find it far more interesting finding things out through Roleplaying then having a blanket spell that cuts some characters off from it. There are items that hide alignment but say a level five warrior from Waterdeep isn't going to have one.

Re: Detect alignment spells

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 4:30 pm
by Lorelie
That is actually not true. My level 14 character in Waterdeep currently has three of them.

Re: Detect alignment spells

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 1:15 am
by Indrayan
It comes down to luck at that point so my point is still valid. Besides what would you lose having to RP a little more the game is stacked far more in favour of those who are good aligned anyway

Re: Detect alignment spells

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 3:11 am
by Levine
I don't see how knowing an alignment hinders RP unless the player then firmly, OOCly, does not want to RP with you anymore. In which case, why would you want to play with a player that doesn't have the same priorities as you?

I'm more in favour of keeping the detect alignment spells, simply because that's what's in the books. If you are discovered, then I think it's best to take it ICly and either take it in your stride or hope that most people forget you after a while.

On the luck point, I'm afraid it's actually a real thing, both in FR and real life, so it's also a bit of a moot point. The solution to acquiring an item that hides alignment like that is, as you advocate for, RP as well. I think it would make for much more interesting RP especially if you try to "game" the system and trick a good/neutral into getting you a ring and then renaming it into oblivion.

Having played evils for a while, myself, I entirely understand your sentiments, but perhaps I'm a little sick in the head because I think the challenge is part of the charm.

Re: Detect alignment spells

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 4:14 pm
by Lorelie
Oh yes, it is definitely luck. Just like it is luck to run in to one of the very small number of people who can detect alignment without a spell. That is part of an RP intensive game, you have to roll with your punches.