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Mega Thread: Game Area Improvements

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 3:30 am
by Harroghty
Describe your game area improvements here in a post. New areas, new quests, improvements to existing quests and areas, new mobiles in the game world wilderness, changes to mobiles in the game world wilderness, etc.

Examples might be: what if there were this type of merchant in the Waterdeep market, or what if there was a quest for drow to raid the surface, or what if there were halflings wandering in Luiren on the world map, and so on.

This is not the place for bugs. Bugs should have their own post if they are substantial or go to Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes for simple things like typos.

Re: Mega Thread: Game Area Improvements

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 3:38 am
by Mythara
I'd be really happy if we could see an expansion/improvement to the game's crafting/trades system(s). Specifically, I'd love to see expansion on cooking. If we have a form or format to have players submit recipies, it'd be lovely. Maybe even have particularly complex recipies grant short bonuses, but the bonuses bit is just an idea. I'm not attached to it that much. But making and expanding recipes would be fun. We have a lot of fruit, vegetables, and meats and a lot could be done with that.

I've heard the trades stuff has been a long standing desire by many in the community, so I'm just lending my weight to that as well.

Thanks for all the work, all the improvements you guys make help make the game that much more enjoyable :)

Re: Mega Thread: Game Area Improvements

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 3:40 am
by Alitar
- Lathander's armour quest finishing appears to be secretly wis-locked. I think maybe an ooc note indicating that, or the code preventing it from being offered to those not wise enough, or most preferably maybe have it be a 'wis or charisma' lock.

- Gilded Lance is advanced is open to high charisma only, I think it being 'cha or int' might allow for 2 distinct sorts of good military leaders to see advancement there. Maybe the int requirement should be higher than the charisma one.

Re: Mega Thread: Game Area Improvements

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 3:53 am
by Ralthasar
Two things I suggest:

1) What if there was an encampment for orcs in the Underdark near the Aerie and Waymarket areas? Orcs typically need daylight adaptation as it is, so it would make some sense. This area is already fleshed out as well, so a small outpost for orcs to travel to and fro would be neat. A specific underdark race already has similar 'teleporter points' for this in a way. Which I will not detail in this post.

There is already an NPC that takes you to another camp for a small fee. So another that takes you to an encampment near the Waymarket/Aerie. This would likely help get some conflict with the other minority of players down that way as well! I understand not many people tend to play orcs, however. Just an idea. This way the world is more connected. The vast world is still open for exploration yet it connects the 'hot spots' that people utilize to create roleplay by enabling others to run across each other easier. The encampement can just be a small thing. It doesn't need to be same grand point of interest like the enclaves.

2) There's a small point of interest out in Rawlinswood that is decent for leveling around level 10-18, but the mobs there almost never drop coins. Specifically the elves there. This usually forces those out that way to go somewhere else so they can afford repairs, armour, and levels. Consider adding the coin drop to all and it being a constant 100% which is normal.

Re: Mega Thread: Game Area Improvements

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2020 3:30 pm
by Jessemine
A more easily accessible meditation trainer for Drow Priests might be nice. There isn't one in their main school building one is briefly accessible when you're going through the guilding quest but is then locked off after you complete that part as far as I can tell. I ended up having to get a PC to teach me the first time which is not the worst thing but is not exactly the most reliable way for what I would think is a pretty important skill.