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Gondar School of Mining - Dialogue Loop

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 8:46 pm
by Glim
The teachers in the Gondar School of mining are stuck in a loop:

You say 'Yes'
Valarain, the smelting teacher smiles and steps away from here forge, dusting her hands off on her apron.
Valarain, the smelting teacher says to you 'Well now, the first thing you need to know is exactly how the forge works.'
Valarain, the smelting teacher says to you 'There are a few different pieces that one needs when trying to smelt metal.'
Valarain, the smelting teacher motions to the crucible sitting beside the fire.
Valarain, the smelting teacher says to you 'This is the crucible, this is what you place your metal in to melt it down.'
Valarain, the smelting teacher smiles, turning back to you.
Valarain, the smelting teacher asks you 'Not too difficult to know really. Think you have got all that?'
You say 'Aye I think I have got all that'
Valarain, the smelting teacher smiles and steps away from here forge, dusting her hands off on her apron.
Valarain, the smelting teacher says to you 'Well now, the first thing you need to know is exactly how the forge works.'
Valarain, the smelting teacher says to you 'There are a few different pieces that one needs when trying to smelt metal.'

Both teachers are like this. It might be a trigger I am not aware of but if it is it isn't clear what it would be.

Re: Quest from unvisited area

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 3:27 am
by Althasizor
I think another wire got crossed, the quest seems to get stuck in a loop and won't advance you past the initial stage.
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher asks you ''Ello there. Ye be wantin' ta learn mair aboot minin'?'
OOC: This lesson does not actually teach the mining trade, it is a knowledge lesson only.
You say 'Yes, I do want to'
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher nods to you and waves you closer.
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher says to you 'Minin' nae be hard ta understand, ye just need ta be workin' hard.'
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher says to you 'The first thing ye be needin' ta know is that some metals be harder ta mine than others.'
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher says to you 'Gold be harder ta mine than copper, it be softer and easier fer ye ta be damagin' when diggin' it oot.'
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher says to you 'Yer equipment be the most important thing ye have when et comes tae minin'. Ye must take good care o''
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher says to you 'et if ye expect tae get good work oot o' et.'
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher turns to the rock wall and runs a hand along the surface. You notice a few pieces of ore have been found and protrude from the wall.
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher place a hand on the piece of gold ore.
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher says to you 'This here be what a vein o' gold be lookin' like when ye be findin' et.'
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher trails a finger along the vein in the wall.
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher says to you 'Ye be seein' how the vein runs through the rock? Once ye be findin' a vein ye need ta be workin' all o' et.'
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher turns back to you.
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher asks you 'Ye be listenin' still?'
You say 'Yes, we're still listening.'
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher nods to you and waves you closer.
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher says to you 'Minin' nae be hard ta understand, ye just need ta be workin' hard.'
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher says to you 'The first thing ye be needin' ta know is that some metals be harder ta mine than others.'
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher says to you 'Gold be harder ta mine than copper, it be softer and easier fer ye ta be damagin' when diggin' it oot.'
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher says to you 'Yer equipment be the most important thing ye have when et comes tae minin'. Ye must take good care o''
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher says to you 'et if ye expect tae get good work oot o' et.'
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher turns to the rock wall and runs a hand along the surface. You notice a few pieces of ore have been found and protrude from the wall.
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher place a hand on the piece of gold ore.
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher says to you 'This here be what a vein o' gold be lookin' like when ye be findin' et.'
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher trails a finger along the vein in the wall.
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher says to you 'Ye be seein' how the vein runs through the rock? Once ye be findin' a vein ye need ta be workin' all o' et.'
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher turns back to you.
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher asks you 'Ye be listenin' still?'
You say 'Yes'
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher nods to you and waves you closer.
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher says to you 'Minin' nae be hard ta understand, ye just need ta be workin' hard.'
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher says to you 'The first thing ye be needin' ta know is that some metals be harder ta mine than others.'
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher says to you 'Gold be harder ta mine than copper, it be softer and easier fer ye ta be damagin' when diggin' it oot.'
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher says to you 'Yer equipment be the most important thing ye have when et comes tae minin'. Ye must take good care o''
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher says to you 'et if ye expect tae get good work oot o' et.'
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher turns to the rock wall and runs a hand along the surface. You notice a few pieces of ore have been found and protrude from the wall.
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher place a hand on the piece of gold ore.
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher says to you 'This here be what a vein o' gold be lookin' like when ye be findin' et.'
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher trails a finger along the vein in the wall.
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher says to you 'Ye be seein' how the vein runs through the rock? Once ye be findin' a vein ye need ta be workin' all o' et.'
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher turns back to you.
Murin, the Dwarven mining teacher asks you 'Ye be listenin' still?'

Re: Quest from unvisited area

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 3:46 am
by Mouat
Same thing happened to my PC too.