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Mystran Meet and Greet

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 2:48 pm
by Khesen
Newly appointed Dweomerkeeper, Khesen Razual, would like to invite those who pledge themselves to the Lady of Mysteries to a little get together. The purpose of this meeting is for the Dweomerkeeper to get to know those in the faith and also to discuss upcoming events the church will be holding. Dinner and drinks will be provided, so crawl out from under your piles of spellbooks and research and come enjoy some time with the faithful!

OOC: Proposed time below. Please let me know if this time does not work for anyone and we will see about adjusting. ... 24T23&ah=2

Re: Mystran Meet and Greet

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 4:45 pm
by Khesen
Just a friendly reminder that this is happening tonight. Hope to see you there!