Squires Muster

A place to announce forthcoming events and roleplays, organised by imms or players.
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Squires Muster

Post by Aldren » Mon Jan 03, 2022 11:21 pm

Paladins, Knights, Squires, and Pages -

I invite my brothers and sisters of the chivalric path to join
together in spirit and bond, forged stronger together that
we might meet and share common purpose by elevating one
another. The Halls of Justice will be opened to share in
companionship, learning, and training to further our faiths,
vows, and devotions.

We will muster in the courtyard of the Halls of Justice and
proceed as directed.

In truth, purpose
Sir Humfry the Black
OOC: Here is my proposed time (Thursday, January 6th 1800 CST). If anyone is unable to attend but would like to, please PM me or share here other suggestions. I am open to almost any time that works for others.

This is meant to be a regularly-standing opportunity for the many pages, squires, and paladins to come together in a casual roleplay. Any PC who might be interested in pursuing the path of Knight is welcome, new or old. With enough interest, I will plan to hold these at least biweekly and change up the style ala challenges, tests, and practice or games.
"He served, but found no pride in service. He fought, but took no joy in victory. He drank, to drown his pain in a sea of wine... ...It was hate that drove him. Though he committed many sins, he never sought forgiveness."
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