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Brute Justice [CLOSED] 3/15

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2024 10:27 am
by Stigr
Banditry and savage goblin tribes have long since been a thorn in the side of the common man, with the poorest and least armed among us left to suffer the depravity of these black-hearted monsters. This is a problem. Not a mere trifle that can be solved by the intermittent dungeon delving of practicing adventurers. No, this is a problem that demands a harsher touch to stay the tide of villainy and rot that has infected our lands.

The common brute, Eidoch, calls upon all fledgling clerks, mages, lightfoots and soldiers to rain retribution on these wretched souls. All to honor The Doombringer, Hoar, and remind the realm of one truth:

The only justice that exists in this world is the one you take with your own hands.

Know that gratitude will not be your only reward. A tricrown (Platinum) will be paid out per trophy you take and bring to me. It can be from any wicked creature or man. Whether it be a bandit's scalp, parts you've chopped off of a greenskin, or a vampire's teeth you've smashed in.

These trophies will be offered up to The Doombringer at a later feast. Distinguished bounty hunters shall have their name marked and will be guests of honor to eat, drink and fight at their leisure!

[There has been a hasty addendum to the notice]

After a generous donation from The Church of Tempus, more adventurers can be paid. To highlight the glory of these bounty hunters and their patronage.

[Another addendum has been added, slashes and dashes notating a count with names]
- Fey blood runs hot this day with Erdan claiming a hundred and five trophies. Most of them from Hobgoblins!
-The Maelstrom, Oceana lays claim with a total of seventy nine trophies and counting!
- Vorglen and his cough have hacked through fifty more.
- Esen was a most creative hunter with weapons of his fallen enemies brought!
- Hadlun slew spider, gnoll, goblin and man and earned himself a full bounty!

  • I've got a fifteen-hundred platinum on this baby fighter to fund hate crimes.
  • Contact Eidoch by letter or amulet and express an interest in the bounty. I'll check the bank, note your name and give you the nod that you'll be compensated for trophies.
  • My broke butt wants to pay out a hundred platinum to interested newbie and actively levelling characters! Get them that coin bump and a chance to rub shoulders with others.
  • So the tentative limit to participation for now is fifteen interested characters, which can expand if I kill enough things for more coin. If there are less than this, I will open up the cap on the bounties.
  • The availability of bounties will be up for the rest of the month, potentially into the first few days of August.
  • There will be more bounties and killin' events to come!