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Blast Cavern - Shadowdale - Broken Color Code

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 10:28 pm
by Glim
Blast Cavern
N-Storage W-Dungeon Entranc
This large cavern a table with six chairs at which guards
can usually be found playing dice. Behind them are stacked
crates of bottled beer, barrels of pickled fish, and other
foodstuffs. The area is lit by a continual light, but
there are also six torches thrust into holes carved in the
rock wall, two of which are lit.

The line:
This large cavern a table with six chairs at which guards

is {60} aquamarine color for me and {30}brown for the rest.

Aquamarine might also be the default color.

Re: Blast Cavern - Shadowdale - Broken Color Code

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 10:30 pm
by Glim
A little ways down there is maybe a broken door?

Southern Cells
N-Intersection E-Southern Cells S-A Cell W-Door
At the eastern steps is a guardstool, with a chamber pot
and a tall copper water flask beside it. fifteen dungeon
cells line the south wall of the corridor.

look west
You see Private library.
The is closed.