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Kestria's Home for Wayward Wands

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2024 3:16 pm
by Kestria
Kestria's Home for Wayward Wands

Are you an adventurer who goes out, seeking adventure and
Treasure, only to be given a wand as a reward, one that
You are unable to use because it may be for a priest or
Wizard instead? Or just unable to use them at all because
Your time is better spent practicing the sword or spear?

Kestria Val, Little Firehawk of Mystra, is here to offer
A deal to any who wish to turn their unused wands into
Potions that they may find more beneficial to their way of
Adventuring or serving the Realms.

Simply come by at the appointed time and place listed at
The bottom of this scroll to find Kestria along with a
Crate to place your unwanted wands into. For each wand
That you turn in you will be given a single spell potion
Of your choice, up to a maximum of 10 potions per person,
Per event so as not to stretch this mage too far with her

Not only will these little wooden bundles of joy be taken
In for potions, but if you are a wizard or priest or other
That is able to use them, then you will be allowed to
Take home a new wand for a single platinum piece, up to a
Maximum of 10 per person, per event. You will get to
Select the wand yourself, but once chosen it is yours, so
There may be a bit of randomness and luck in what you get.
If the wand is one you cannot use, then it will be allowed
To be put back for another attempt until you get one you
Can, taking that choice.

To Summarize -
* Bring in unwanted wands and place them in the crate.
* Be given a single spell potion of choice for each wand
you donate, up to a maximum of 10 per person, per event.
* Purchase a random wand from the crate for 1 Platinum,
with a maximum of 10 per person, per event.
* Those who follow gods opposed to Lady Mystra, or have
proven themselves enemies of her faithful, will not be
welcome to participate.

*with little flaming hawks drawn around it*
Kestria Val of Mystra

Location - Fire pit in the Gardens of Waterdeep North of the Font
Time - ... 1=895&ah=4

Re: Kestria's Home for Wayward Wands

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2024 12:35 pm
by Kestria
Thanks to those that came and managed to get some wands or donate.

If people want something like this again, I will do it again as there are still a large number of wands stocked up.