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My word is my honor, and my honor is my life.
Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 9:38 pm
by Armin
Okies. This is my first post. I wanted to use it to ask those who have made the long journey to paladinhood for advice, counsel, and suggestions. If you have seen my RP, and have any thoughts, or warnings, and so forth, I would love to hear them. This post could turn into a kind of "Paladin: Do's and Do not's" if there is enough interest.
Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 6:12 am
by Ellian
As the player of a character that has roleplayed with Armin in a good versus not so good type of situation, I would refer you to Aran's thread titled Respecting Others.
As the player of a Tormite who did a little research before joining the faith, I think you capture the attitude and ethos of followers of Torm very well and I am quite impressed. I'd say stick with it, you have the right idea.
Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 5:26 pm
by Gwain
Roleplay is what you make and what you should make it. It allows for evolution and dissection of character but it stays close to a single idea molded to fit the character in the first place. A paladin is a character wrapped in a gauze of duty and truth and honesty, there is no desire beyond that of the desire of the god he or she serves and in serving all desire is full and all appetite is unwetted. But there are characters out there that are not paladins that are still staples of the community at large. They are people that look at good intentions and see this as world of infinite good and utter evil and choose to do away with the evil, not by thoughtlessly drawing sword and running into the fray but with careful thought and understanding of what they go to thwart.
Paladins are the farmers of justice. the Yeomen of balanced law and people of the people. They are always learning and teaching with their actions and in doing so they benifit the community at large. None are too old or too young to learn from them and to understand their actions.
I believe Geoffrey Chaucher summed it up like this:
"The lyf so short, the craft so longe to lerne"
The world, be it Faerun or the real world is full of lessons to learn and grow from. Be you a king or the lowest peasantly lot.
Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 4:33 pm
by Nysan
Think then act. Consider then say. Your actions will always have reactions, some good-some bad. Live with what you do and accept what you made happen. In the end, it is your character and it is a game. Have fun.
My thoughts.
Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 10:43 am
by Elvoriel
We have RP'd a few times now and I feel you are getting right into the spirit of a noble hearted warrior, everything a Paladin stands for. Keep it up. Just remember there are no do's and don'ts when it comes to YOUR character, whether a hopeful whatever or not. YOU decide how your character behaves, and just cause you are a hopeful paladin, does not mean you ARE a Paladin yet. Those who play with Elvoriel will know what I'm talking about, but that's half the fun of playing this type of character.
Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 11:43 am
by Sean
Mystra wrote:... you will need levels to improve skills when you get them.
Levels to improve skills? How does this work? I've thought that skill level, and character level, were seperate things. Skill level depending on Character level for whether you can learn it or not. How does being of low level and raising them as a paladin 'help' (and I use the term loosley, for we all know its not about the score sheet, its about the RP) your skills?
Not that I'm going againt what you said or anything. I rather think it would be kinda silly to level to level 50, then become a squire, then a Paladin... You need room to 'grow' from you experiences
~Sean Vallar
RE: Level vs. Training
Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 4:15 pm
by Andreas
At higher levels, it's more difficult to gain experience. You need experience to train skills and spells.
Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 5:42 pm
by Exer
Sean wrote:Levels to improve skills? How does this work? I've thought that skill level, and character level, were seperate things.
I think you're confusing training and improving skills.
Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 6:52 pm
by Sean
Ahh... Yeah, I misunderstood. I guess that makes sense (what Andreas said), but I doubt I'll have that problem. I've this nasty habbit of sitting around with 'may advance' for a lot, lot, lot longer than it shows a percent. But who knows, I could be very wrong.
Anyways, thanks for the Advice Mystra, and thanks to Andreas and Exer for explaining what her advice actually ment.
~Sean Vallar, Warrior of the Even-handed