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Resources about Elves.

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 1:40 am
by Rhytania
Heres a site with a lot of good reading and history of the Elven Pantheon

another site that i stumbled across:

-Rhytania Ilan'Ilynne

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 5:20 pm
by Mele
Was looking for elfie stuff found this:


Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 5:38 pm
by Isaldur
I hate to break it to you Mele, but that site may be great for the types of elves that Arythia uses, it is not however good for Forgotten Realms.

An example being that the gold elves on that page are polite and try to fit in, while Forgotten Realms's gold elves tend to be arrogant, standoffish, and all around stuck up rooty toots.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 5:43 pm
by Mele
Actually, what I was looking for that is how elves looked. And the elves that are called the same in both places look relatively the same. ;)

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 8:39 am
by Lerytha

Excellent website... contains plenty of information.

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 4:45 pm
by Gwain
I have a great deal of trouble identifying with the 21st century elf, I suppose I spent too much time around the "human" elves of Dragonlance(not that there's anything wrong with dr elves it is just that they vary greatly from fr elves). So when I need to learn about elves in the general sense I turn to Tolkien.

The Encyclopedia of Arda, though it holds no ties to fr it is still a good page for elven information if you search hard enough and a terrific page for halfings.

Re: Resources about Elves.

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 7:23 pm
by Mele
Please be sure to check out these links or ask questions if you're playing an elf(or any nonhuman race for that matter.).

We may like to ignore sources and say it's your character you made, and you play how you'd like. However, your character was created as a specific race in a specific campaign setting with an accessible and detailed source of information to assure you are choosing the right race for the mannerisms you envision for your character. If you don't want a character to behave on some of the bigger details about a race, it's probably better to choose a different race. Bending the smaller characteristics so not all of a race is a cookie cutter is much different.

Two of the commonly misunderstood things are moon elves who "hate all humans", and any elves who befriend halfdrow.

It's one thing to have a "unique" or "rebel" elf who feels that way about drow, it's another thing if we have a handful of "unique" or "rebel" elves who are devout of the elvish Pantheon who feel that way. Remember, FK doesn't have rights for races like we do today. It has pure hatred and shunning. If you read sources, or ask questions you will learn there is a reason the pantheon shuns drow so. If you blindly choose this route it's very unlikely you will be welcome as a follower to any members of the elven pantheon, and can potentially receive further IC reactions.

Re: Resources about Elves.

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 1:10 am
by Harroghty

Re: Resources about Elves.

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 4:25 am
by Esselwyr
I'd like to submit a good resource created by a moderator level member on Candlekeep Forums. I highly recommend this entire site for source, feedback and other information regarding Running the Realms. These guys know their stuff. They eat, sleep, breath canon material to the extend that Ed Greenwood posts there as well as other (formerly TSR) WOTC D&D contributors. Lord Karsus wrote this awesome pdf file called the Elves of Faerun vol 1. It and other works can be found on Deviant Art.

It's a great resource as it combines the books (esp. Elaine Cunningham's series), Elves of Evermeet, Complete Handbook of Elves from the 2nd ed, with information from 3rd and shamefully 4th ed. I personally forgive him for including 4th ed because of the quality of his work is just that great.

It goes through the gamut of all things elven. I know there has been alot of discussion about specific portrayal of (insert your sub-species) elves and elves in general. Hopefully this will help. ... -143874818

This is Candlekeep Forum Link:

Re: Resources about Elves.

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 1:32 am
by Alinor
I just recently found this while looking for a Forgotten Realms specific elven language resource. Besides having some common-elvish dictionary stuff, it also has some elven place names (with short descriptions of what they are/were) and things like forms of address for nobles or family members. I thought it was pretty interesting so I figured I'd share it here. ... n-espruar/