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Goblinoids and Talking

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 8:06 pm
by Hrosskell
Will the new goblinoids (hobgoblins, bugbears, goblins, etc.) speak like the orcs we currently roleplay? They are like the orcs in the mental aspect, and I was just wondering how they would speak common, or, even their own language.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 9:26 pm
by Kirkus
Goblins should have their own language. And they should be able to speak common and other languages depending on their intelligence. But all of this is up to the coders and admins.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 2:57 am
by Solaghar
Goblins have their own accent just like Orcs do. And let me be the first to say even though they're small it's definetely not a "cute" accent. They aren't going to talk like children or babies. If the best people can think of is to make them talk normal but of low intelligence then that's better than talking like idiots, which goblinoids are certainly not. They are canny, cruel, and bullying in numbers, cowardly alone. Just something I'd like to mention for people to keep in mind.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 3:00 am
by Gwain
I think that goblins might still be speaking their sneaky little accented way even in their own language. Tongues tend to remain in some sense with the original language. I think of froudiness of the goblinoid and the fact that the languages are quiet gutteral. Even with their own sylables the clarity is not there it just has to be assumed that fellow goblinoids with understand them clearly because it is the ic thing to do. If they don't, then they can rp not understanding because goblin A did not take the time to explain it right to goblin b.

Just my thoughts.

On another note an goblin accent is something I've thought about I see it as orcish but spat out faster and in a higher voice for goblins and a lower more orcy voice for other goblinoids, size might be the differeing factor but I am unsure what they sound like.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 3:15 am
by Argentia
I'm reminded of the beginning of Icewind Dale 2, when goblins play a heavy role as the main enemy. You actually get to hear(or read, rather) many goblins speaking so you can get a knack for their accent. Hey, this is sweet: you get to do research by playing a game! :P

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 8:42 pm
by Blug
Bugbears, being bigger than orcs even, might have a more ogrish sound. Deeper, gruffer, but still the same speed and uncanny accent as goblins, since, being Goblinoids they were probably raised in some way around goblins. Hobgoblins, about the same size as Humans, might talk like one of the more hickish humans would, slower than goblins, maybe a bit deeper, but not so slow that it would be unrecognizable to goblins, and probably about the same tone as an orc or human. My thoughts no the subject.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 9:24 am
by Nemay
I honestly think that goblins are smarter than many of the other goblinoid creatures because they need their wits to survive due to their little size. As Treebeard would say in lord of the rings "That doesn't sound right, although you are small and most likely right." As many races in D&D the smaller ones are more crafty and such and Kregor said it right just because you aren't book smart doesn't mean your not street smart. I think of the goblins as being smart enough to make friends with orcs and other bigger goblinoid creatures to have protectors but use them and get what they want. Just my two cents.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 3:10 pm
by Gwain
Just to keep this discussion on track, I spoke to someone recently on this and they did a wonderful golum impression :) Maybe his way of talking would be an interesting mode for goblin speak?

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 4:05 am
by Gidan
In my opinion I think that Hobgoblins and Goblins should talk pretty close to the same as Orcs, but tweaked just a little. I can't find a reason for having Hobgoblins and Goblins speaking any different, other than pitch seeing as how Hobgoblins can be at least 7'7 / 7'8 .. I would think that Hobgoblins would speak in a deeper pitch. And overall I think that Hobgoblins and Goblins would speak fairly slowly not fast. Baring in mind most would more than likely have a low intelligence.

Well that's my view anyhow.

Peace from the west east