Drow and Spiders

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Drow and Spiders

Post by Lysha » Tue May 03, 2005 3:57 pm

I am sorry if this was brought up earlier...

Could Drow get immunity from being attacked by spiders given that they do not attack them first? Like the goblins in the underdark? This would make sense since with Lloth and spiders and all...I have no idea if I am making sense...I do know that I can not spell. lol. Well, this is just a thought.

And if this were to be true, could half-drow get half immunity?

Or it could be a racial feat...and a Drow wizard might could get a spider pet?

I dunno. ^-^;;;
Your punch viciously hammers a shark's abdomen.
A shark is stunned, but will probably recover.

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