... Torm%20DnD'
long link, I know, but this is interesting ^-^
Maybe something like this could come into the game?
Not like Lysha could do it....looks like for Palidans...but it's looking like
this is pretty cool stuff...(reading this as she types)
::thumbs up::
What do y'all think?
Found something interesting about a branch of Torm followers
Found something interesting about a branch of Torm followers
Your punch viciously hammers a shark's abdomen.
A shark is stunned, but will probably recover.
A shark is stunned, but will probably recover.
Interesting prestige class. There is an organization in-game for paladins called the Golden Lions, perhaps this could be adapted into a prestige class gotten by paladins when they are inducted into the order?
"There is no safety for honest men except by believing all possible evil of evil men."
Kregor - Ranger of Tangled Trees
Rozor - Lady Luck's Duelist
Tygen - Ranger-Bard of Mielikki
Kregor - Ranger of Tangled Trees
Rozor - Lady Luck's Duelist
Tygen - Ranger-Bard of Mielikki