Suggestion about a text editor for area files

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Sword Grand Master
Sword Grand Master
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Suggestion about a text editor for area files

Post by Dalvyn » Wed Aug 06, 2003 12:03 am

The editor we recommend that builders use is Text pad which is available from

It is free to evaluate and can be evaluated indefinitely and has many great features that make it great for areas:

* spell checker
* Fixed font
* Line numbers
* Highly configurable
and many more things

One of the things that Dalvyn did was add in the use of colour to distinguish bits of code and he said its great to see when you have an error in a flag or the like. He has made available the file, along with instructions on how to put it in.

Download the file from this site and then follow the instructions below:

Place areas.syn in the System subfolder of the TextPad folder, in Program
Files. Then, in TextPad, select Configure, New Document Class.

Choose a name for the class (area files or something like that), Class
members should be *.are, then choose 'Enable syntax highlighting' and
select the file areas.syn.

Now, to choose the colours for the different classes of keywords, choose
Configure, Preferences, Document classes, Area files, then the 'color' section.

See for more information.
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