If checks on wielding

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If checks on wielding

Post by Tandria » Sat May 28, 2005 6:58 pm

Is there a certain if check that one could use to check the type of weapon that is wielded? For example, if I wanted to check if someone was wielding a short blade, though not SPECIFICALLY a dagger. Is it possible to do that, or would I have to just check and see if the PC is wearing object type weapon?

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Post by Kregor » Thu Jun 30, 2005 2:32 pm

Like Tandria said...

It would be nice if we could achieve some sort an "if weapontype" check to tell if the actor was wielding a specific type of weapon.

For example, playing with how to code a flare arrow, the effect was easy to figure out, using mpechoes and mpasound. Invoking the effect would be an intecept, easy enough. But the command to SHOOT this flare would activate whether the actor wields a bow or not. As I see it now, I can:

1) Depend on the person using the arrow to RP appropriately and hold their bow,

2) Require an if actortypewear(5) check to at least make sure the actor is wielding *some* type of weapon, but it could be a long sword, or a hatchet, or something else.

Other suggestions?
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Post by Kregor » Fri Jul 01, 2005 3:10 pm

Added :)
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Rozor - Lady Luck's Duelist
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